10 ideas for becoming a kid-friendly restaurant

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10 ideas for becoming a kid-friendly restaurant

The French are devoting more and more time to culinary outings. And more and more of them want to enjoy these restaurant moments with their families (family outings account for 30% of all visits restaurant visits). Children are becoming important drivers in restaurant choice. It is estimated that 43% of family visits are influenced by them. Yet few restaurants are still thinking about the little ones.

Dining out is often seen by the French as a break from their daily routine, a time to relax and enjoy their loved ones. Between friends, but also often as a family, they share a meal in a setting they hope will be friendly and adapted to their desires. But unfortunately, kid-friendly restaurants are often considered too few and far between in France. The menus offered are very often designed exclusively for adults, with children having to make do with a classic steak and French fries, the only option on the à la carte menu to suit their tastes. The spaces are not designed for babies or toddlers, and the equipment needed by parents is often lacking... So there are many things restaurants can do to help, and many things parents can do to help. Here are our 10 tips for becoming a kid-friendly restaurant in 2020 and attracting parents and their children to your establishment.

1.offer a well-thought-out children's menu

When parents go to the restaurant, they certainly want to enjoy themselves and have a good time as adults, but they also want to offer their children a healthy meal adapted to their tastes. So it's important to think about what's on offer for the little ones, whose tastes are not yet refined and remain more basic than those of adults. But the (very) classic steak and French fries can be a real turn-off for parents who visit restaurants. Thinking up a menu especially for children, taking into account their often classic tastes while daring to introduce them to new flavors, would be a very good idea for parents looking for a restaurant to go to with their little ones. Why not turn potato fries into sweet potato fries, or ordinary coquillettes-jambon into a more elaborate dish with similar flavors? There are plenty of ideas to spoil the taste buds of many little guests.

2. Thinking of the (very) little ones

Many young parents find restaurant outings difficult to organize. And with good reason: strollers, bottles, diapers and baby bottles are just some of the details they have to think about before going out, and just as many accessories they have to carry with them on each of their outings. The restaurant Fan de Carotte has decided to lighten the load for these parents by offering... Homemade baby food!

Made on site from fresh produce, their little pots are available at all hours of the day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and brunch). A delight for young parents, who can not only introduce their baby to new recipes, but also go to the restaurant with a lighter mind (and a lighter bag!).

3. Adapting your space to parents' needs

Unfortunately, the organization we've just described doesn't stop when you step through the restaurant door. Parents, especially of young children and babies, are often faced with places that are not adapted to their needs.[caption id="attachment_8440" align="aligncenter" width="1036"]

Photo credits: @parisianavores[/caption]To adapt to them and encourage them to push open the door of your establishment, it's important to think about a few practical details such as a changing table, high chairs and spaces to park strollers, which will make it much easier for families to come!

4. Keep the children occupied so that parents can enjoy their meal for as long as possible.

The attention span of an adult is obviously not the same as that of a child. While parents may wish to relax for hours on end, ordering coffee after coffee in the establishment where they're sitting, their relaxation is unfortunately often halted by the complaints of their toddlers, who find the time long. To remedy this, it's easy to think of ways to keep the little ones occupied! The opportunities are numerous and relatively simple to put in place: coloring, board games, self-service books or, if a protected outdoor area allows it, an equipped play area...

The Portuguese restaurant Pàssarito appeals to many families thanks to its special children's area: drawings, children's books and kapla are all available. The restaurant is even the proud owner of 4 magnificent budgerigars (Ulysse, Smarties, Dimitri and Mimi-Ines) that are sure to delight the little ones!

5. And why not arrange for a nanny?

Perhaps even better (or at least more reassuring) than spaces designed for children, some restaurants have taken the idea a step further and offer full service for the little ones. This is the case of the MOB HOTEL, which thinks of parents who are tired from their week and would like to take a break for a Sunday brunch: the hotel gives them the chance to enjoy a few hours' respite! A nanny takes care of the children during mealtime. Grouped together in a separate area specially designed for them, they devour their own meal, take part in activities and meet friends, while their parents enjoy their meal and relax.

The formula carries its name to perfection, with just the right amount of self-mockery: "Les dimanches des parents indignes" ("Sundays of unworthy parents").

6. Organize parent-child workshops

For the French, dining out is often synonymous with shared moments and pleasant memories. So why not extend this time spent together at the table with a family activity? Restaurant owners are well equipped to keep both young and old busy: cooking classes, vegetable gardening workshops or even salt dough making (all you need is water, salt, flour and an oven!) - there are plenty of ideas to tempt families. These moments spent in the restaurant before or after mealtime have the advantage of encouraging parents and children to dine in once the activity has finished or before it has begun.

The MOB HOTEL has come up with this ingenious idea as an extension of its Sunday brunch: the venue, which has a large enough space for this, offers yoga workshops designed for children every Sunday morning at 10:15 a.m., just before their brunch offering.

7. Anticipate snack time

If there's one sacred hour in a child's day, it's snack time! As generations pass, the afternoon sweet reflex remains as popular as ever. This is often a slow hour for restaurants, as they prepare the evening service and have just finished lunch. But it might be a good idea to think of these hours as opportunities to attract families out for a stroll!

There's nothing better than adding a sweet note and non-alcoholic beverages to your menu. This will help optimize slack periods, fill your restaurant throughout the day and boost your sales.

8. Make the most of your outdoor space

Once the first rays of sunshine arrive, restaurants with outdoor seating have a considerable advantage. In addition to alfresco tables for lunch in the daylight or dinner under the stars, they can set up a small area for families and groups of friends to enjoy a moment of conviviality.

Putting in place a dirt or sand pitch suitable for petanque or Molky games (which are easy to obtain and make available to guests) would keep children occupied, as well as groups of friends who would like to extend their afternoon or evening within the establishment. This is the choice made by the Parisian Mama Shelter on its rooftop. Among the cosy tables and sofas are ping-pong tables for guests of all ages to enjoy. This adds a touch of warmth to the place and delights many a player!

9. Take advantage of annual events loved by children

Christmas, Halloween, Easter and Candlemas... These are just some of the times of year that children adore, and just as many easy ways to give them a treat!

Slipping a few candies into the Halloween menu, winking at Santa Claus and the red and green colors on the Christmas horizon, adding chocolate notes to the Easter menu or pancakes for Candlemas are all excellent ways to win children's hearts. These surprises can be slipped into the menu, or offered as a small token of appreciation at checkout (a chocolate, a sweet, a little Santa Claus...).

10. And above all: remember to make the most of these efforts in your communications!

To be identified as a kid-friendly restaurant by customers and potential customers, it's important to highlight all these concrete efforts in your communications. All communication channels are good for this! The posts and stories Instagram and Facebook will reach followers directly; posts published on Google My Business and all other directories directories will help improve your ranking on the most advantageous keywords on Google ( kids friendky restaurant, for example, or family restaurant). It's also important to keep your website to remind people that children are welcome. This is what the Pàssarito restaurant has done by adding a tab dedicated to the actions they put in place for the little ones.

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