Privacy policy

Personal data protection charter

This charter describes the data processing implemented by MALOU-FOOD MARKETING, a company with capital of €1,520.22, registered in the CRETEIL Trade and Companies Register under number 832 965 255, whose registered office is located at 35 Avenue du Mal de Lattre de Tassigny, 94220 Charenton-le-Pont, (hereinafter "Malou"), in connection with the use of the website (the "Site") and the implementation of its digital marketing solution for restaurant owners. ("the Application").

Malou and personal data

For the purposes hereof, "personal data" or "personal data" shall have the meaning defined in Article 4 of the "General Data Protection Regulation" (GDPR).

This data is collected, recorded and stored in compliance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 in its current version, as well as with the provisions arising from Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 (RGPD).

Nature of the processing and data collected for which Malou acts as data controller - applicable legal bases

Nature of the main processing operations carried out in your capacity as data controller and applicable legal bases :

Customer relationship management: The data collected includes surname, first names, job title, employer contact information, business contact details (email, telephone, employer's name, address) and the content of exchanges (emails, meeting notes, etc.). This information concerns customer representatives who are natural persons. The legal basis for this collection is the contract or pre-contractual measures, and the data retention period is limited to the duration of the contract.

‍Prospects managementand canvassing: The data collected includes surname, first names, position, employer contact information, business contact details (email, telephone, employer's name, address) and the content of exchanges (emails, meeting notes, etc.). It concerns the physical representatives of prospects or leads. Collection is based on consent or legitimate interest, and data is kept for 3 years after the last contact.

‍Newsletter subscription: The information collected includes the name, surname, position and email of the restaurateur customer's representatives. The basis for this collection is consent. Data is kept until consent is withdrawn, with a maximum duration of 3 years after the last newsletter is opened.

‍Newsletter tracking: data includes newsletter opening, time spent on the newsletter and selection of one of the newsletter links. They concern the restaurant customer's representatives and are collected on the basis of legitimate interest. Data is kept until consent is withdrawn, with a maximum limit of 3 years after the last newsletter has been opened.

‍White paper download tracking: information collected includes first name, last name, company name, telephone number, email, city and zip code. This data concerns the individual representatives of prospects or leads, and is collected on the basis of consent. The data is kept for 3 years after the last contact.

‍Organizationof webinars: The data collected includes surname, first name, job title, email, telephone number and webinar participation data (date and time, topic, actual connection). It concerns the physical representatives of prospects or leads and is collected on the basis of consent. The retention period is 3 years after the last contact.

‍Contact request management: information collected includes surname, first names, position/employer and content of request. This data concerns the natural person representatives of prospects or leads and is collected on the basis of consent. The retention period is 3 years after the last contact.

‍Management ofmarketing campaigns: audience data such as the number of views, consultations and the profile of people who have seen/received the communication are collected. It concerns the physical representatives of prospects or leads and is collected on the basis of legitimate interest. Data is kept for 3 years after the last contact.

‍Improvingthe solution and producing statistics: technical and usage data is collected and concerns the restaurant customer's representatives. Collection is based on legitimate interest and data is anonymized.

‍Management ofaccount creation and tracking of account usage: The information collected includes business contact details (email, phone number), password, surname, first name, job title, employer data and date of account creation. This data concerns the restaurant customer's representatives and is collected on the basis of the contract or pre-contractual measures. The retention period is limited to the duration of the contract.

‍Management ofassistance requests: the data collected includes surname, first names, position, employer contact information, business contact details (email, telephone, employer name, address) and the content of exchanges (emails, nature of the problem encountered, etc.). They concern the restaurant customer's representatives and are collected on the basis of the contract or pre-contractual measures. The retention period is limited to the duration of the contract.

‍Invoicing: The data collected includes the restaurateur customer's identification data and bank details. They concern the restaurateur customer's representatives and are collected on the basis of the contract or pre-contractual measures. Accounting documents are kept for 10 years.

Transfer of personal data outside the European Union

Malou does not transfer personal data outside the European Union.

In the event that a customer or processor is located outside the European Union or a country benefiting from an adequacy decision, Malou will enter into European Commission standard contractual clauses with such customer or processor in order to govern the conditions of transfer and access to personal data.

Security and confidentiality of personal data

Malou takes all necessary measures to ensure that access to personal data is strictly limited to those persons who need access in order to provide its services.

In particular, Malou ensures that persons authorized to process personal data for the purposes of providing services undertake to respect an obligation of confidentiality or are subject to an appropriate obligation of confidentiality.

Malou also undertakes to implement sufficient and appropriate technical measures to preserve the integrity and confidentiality of personal data and to protect them against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized distribution or access, as well as against any other form of unlawful processing. These measures must ensure, taking into account the state of the art and the costs associated with their implementation, a level of security appropriate to the risks presented by the processing and the nature of the personal data to be protected.

Malou uses secure means of communication to process personal data.

Personal rights

Malou collects the personal data referred to above from representatives of its customers, visitors to the Site and users of the Application.

The persons concerned have a right of access, rectification and deletion of their personal data, which can be exercised by sending an email to the following address:

In the event of difficulties in the processing of their personal data, the persons concerned may refer the matter to the CNIL or any other competent authority.


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