Explode social media with Malou: Les Pinces (best case)

Success Stories
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Louiza Hacene
Cofounder & CEO
Explode social media with Malou: Les Pinces (best case)

Parisian lobster restaurant Les Pinces has entrusted us with the management of its social media website, and the results are clear to see. Below, proof thatgood visibility on these channels can give your restaurant a real boost!

Due to a lack of time, few restaurateurs have a well-thought-out communication strategy on social media. Managing your establishment's e-reputation is time-consuming, but according to Les Pinces, it's well worth the effort.

Dear readers, have you ever heard of Les Pinces, this trendy Parisian restaurant that serves lobster in a warm and friendly setting? With a strong presence on Facebook and Instagram, perhaps it was one of its posts that one day inspired you to discover this fun concept.

This is how we ensured maximum visibility for Malou on social media.

On social media, the restaurant builds customer loyalty by creating a bond with its subscribers.

1) Appetizing publications

On social media , food has to look good before it tastes good! At a time when the hyper-connectivity trend is in full swing and the food sector is invading Instagram and Facebook, it makes sense to know how to handle these key communication media to perfection. So we're posting tantalizing photos of the restaurant's specialties on Les Pinces ' Facebook and Instagram accounts . These publications whet the appetite of our subscribers, who devour them with their eyes... before coming to feast on them.

On Instagram:

Community Management Les Pinces: example of mouth-watering photos on Instagram

On Facebook :

To ensure that your publications have the desired impact and reach as many people as possible, it's vital that you arm yourself with successful photos. While it's not always possible to afford the services of a professional, there are a few simple tricks you can follow, which we've given you hereto make sure your photos are enticing.

2) Regular publications

We supply the restaurant's social media very regularly, because on these channels, regularity rhymes with loyalty. The results obtained by Les Pinces prove it: the restaurant obtains and maintains excellent visibility on its social accounts. Each Facebook post reaches several thousand people and is the subject of numerous interactions:

3) A wide range of publications

To maintain subscriber interest and continue to build a bond with them, we strive to publish varied and entertaining content. Numerous studies have shown that the content that generates the most interaction is that which evokes positive emotions, such as laughter. We therefore alternate between photos of dishes, photos of the team, customer or influencer regrams, riddles or amusing publications, such as this wink on April 1, which enabled us to reach over 6,000 people, or this short video we published in honor of the arrival of spring:

To create a bond with the restaurant 's fans, we don't hesitate to thank them when certain milestones are reached. For example, when their Facebook following topped 10,000, we organized a competition with the restaurant , with the prize being a meal for two offered by the restaurant. Their followers went wild, and the post generated hundreds of interactions:

Contests, which encourage web users to like, comment or share a publication, are an excellent way of ensuring a high rate of engagement.

As mentioned in the publication below, the winner was revealed on September 9, 2018. Once again, we've kept a humorous tone and published an infographic telling the story of the Clamps concept by highlighting several offbeat figures:

4) Good responsiveness to messages

Finally, to encourage this closeness with web users and avoid disappointing them, it's essential to be responsive to the messages we receive, which is why we always reply as quickly as possible. Reservation requests, schedule details, amused comments... Every message deserves a response!

The restaurant attracts new prospects through optimized advertising campaigns

1) Sponsored publications for optimum return on investment

One of the best ways to make your establishment known to as many people as possible is to set up advertising campaigns on Facebook. Our team of community managers regularly prepares "sponsored" posts, i.e. content that has been paid for, so that it appears on the screen of their target audience.

Several advertising campaigns were set up, so that as many potentially interested people as possible could discover Les Pinces on their Facebook news feed. The campaigns were carefully parameterized to obtain the best possible return on investment. Compared with previous campaigns, we reduced the CPM (cost per 1000 impressions) by 30% and divided the CPC (cost per click) by 3.

If you're a restaurant owner and would like to start managing your own advertising campaigns, here are a few tips to help you get the most out of them.

2) Organization of competitions

Some competitions are sponsored to maximize the number of prospects reached. In September 2018, on the occasion of the back-to-school season, the restaurant offered a meal for two to the three winners of a prize draw. As a result, over 30,000 Internet users viewed the photo slideshow and hundreds took part in the game by tagging a friend. A great way to expand your fan base while giving them a treat! Here for 200€, over 60,000 people were reached, 32,000 of them watched the video for at least 10 seconds, nearly 400 people liked it and over 400 commented on it.


social media has the power to unite communities around a project. By taking the time to publish varied, high-quality content on a regular basis, and by allocating an optimized budget to the management of your social media , you're guaranteed to reach a large, interested audience, and to convert a large number of socionauts into customers.

Have these shots whetted your appetite? If so, Les Pinces awaits you in one of their three locations in Pigalle, Saint-Germain or the Marais. Interested in their concept? Take a look at their website... and more if you like!

We double our efforts to satisfy you

Increase your visibility on Google and social media with Malou.