PR and influencers: 20 tips for a successful strategy

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PR and influencers: 20 tips for a successful strategy

2: the number of restaurants in Paris that disappear every day. Competition in the restaurant world is ever-increasing, and places are hard to come by and stay in the hearts of customers. To find the recipe for success, PR (press relations) and influencer marketing are essential ingredients.


Long gone are the days when word-of-mouth was enough to fill a restaurant for lunch and dinner. Nowadays, it's essential to deploy a communication and marketing strategy, particularly through PR, to stand out from the competition. Big Mamma, PNY, Les Pinces, Pizzou... are all convincing examples of the importance of these tools for the success and longevity of an establishment.Press and influencer relations enable companies to make themselves known, present their offers and tell a story that will hold the attention of readers or web surfers. They lay the foundations of a reputation and provide real visibility in the media and on social media, which ensures a first wave of customer acquisition. All the latest success stories in the restaurant industry have collaborated with press relations agencies and influencers. It's therefore a subject that restaurateurs would do well to focus on to increase their chances of success (even if, of course, this can hardly compensate for poor cuisine or unpleasant service). However, it's not all plain sailing. Journalists and influencers are over-solicited, making them increasingly difficult to reach and convince. So how do you stand out from the crowd and get a journalist, blogger, Youtuber or influencer interested in your subject? How do you get in touch with these content professionals? What relationships should you maintain with them? And how do you measure the results of your restaurant's press and influencer relations strategy? These are just some of the questions we answer in this article, with our 20 practical tips for a successful PR strategy.

1) The key to a successful PR strategy: finding the concept behind your restaurant

Concept. It's a word that's on every communications specialist's lips. But what does it mean? Does a concept have to be something out of the ordinary? Does it have to offer an extraordinary experience? No. Every restaurant can and should find the concept that lies at the heart of its DNA. Pizzou, for example, is a pizzeria located in the 9th arrondissement of Paris. What could be more commonplace than a pizzeria in Paris - after all, there are hundreds of them. Yes, but Pizzou has a particularity: it offers its customers 100% French pizzas. The flour comes from Paris, the charcuterie is sourced in Aveyron, the beers are produced in Corsica... At Pizzou, you'll find nothing but Made In France. A strong concept.


Let's stay with pizza, but this time let's take a look at Pizza d'Anita, a pizzeria we also work for, located in the 16th arrondissement. No French products this time, but a warm decor, a pleasant terrace on the banks of the Seine, a smiling team and quality cuisine make this restaurant particularly popular with customers. But how do you highlight the uniqueness of this pizzeria and entice new customers to come for lunch or dinner? Well, by highlighting one of their main qualities: generosity! In fact, La Pizza d'Anita is one of the rare Parisian establishments where you can still enjoy a 300-gram burrata.As you can see, two restaurants with similar identities are capable of promoting two different concepts. The trick is to find what makes them stand out from the crowd. So, before deploying your communications and PR strategy, it's important to ask yourself what makes your establishment unique, what makes it unlike any other.

2) Know each dimension of your project

When we talk about concept, we're talking about a powerful notion that guides an entire communications strategy. The concept is an essential part of a restaurant's DNA, but it doesn't stand alone. It's important to take the analysis a step further, by asking yourself what the strong points of your establishment are, so that you can highlight them in your PR strategy. Let's take the example of Les Pinces. The concept of this restaurant is simple: to offer low-priced lobster to Parisians. But there are other assets too: customers enjoy an original experience where bibs are used during tasting, the place has been tastefully decorated by a renowned architectural firm, the owners and managers are long-time friends who had the idea of founding Les Pinces during a trip to the United States, signature cocktails are offered to customers...


These are all assets that the 4 founders were able to leverage in their PR strategy, as well as in their day-to-day communications.

3) Put your best foot forward for successful storytelling

When contacting media professionals, it's essential to pay attention to both form and content. The writing and layout of your press kit and press release are key steps in showcasing your restaurant. They give journalists and influencers their first impression of your establishment. We advise you to work with professionals who are accustomed to writing eye-catching content and who know how to put your restaurant in the spotlight.

What's the difference between these two essential PR media?
  • The press kit is a ten-page document presenting the restaurant's universe in its entirety. Creators, cuisine, location, prices, menu, address, opening hours... All the indicators that make the restaurant unique are carefully examined, so as to represent the restaurant as accurately and precisely as possible. This is THE document that journalists use to gather the information they need to write an article about an establishment.
  • The press release is a condensed version of the same information. It should not exceed one page, so that journalists can understand at a glance the uniqueness of the establishment presented.
Form: two impeccable documents that echo the world of the restaurant

Press releases and press kits must be impeccably written. They are a reflection of your restaurant, so impeccable spelling and quality of phrasing are a guarantee of the quality of your place. The opposite risks reflecting negatively on your establishment, and giving media professionals the impression that you don't strive to do a careful job.Finally, it's important to think about the graphics of these documents. They must represent the visual identity you've chosen for your restaurant. We strongly advise you to engage the services of a graphic designer for this more technical part.

Substance: a story that plunges the reader into the heart of the restaurant's history

When it comes to the content of these two tools, there's one watchword: tell your readers a story. To promote your establishment, there's nothing better than drawing journalists into your world. So don't hesitate to embody the place you've built, to tell your story as a creator, your approach and the reasons that led you to develop this place.

4) Identify the media and journalists most relevant to your restaurant

Once these two documents have been drafted and formatted, you're ready to contact journalists. But there's still one step you need to take to ensure the success of your PR: targeting the professionals you wish to contact.Guides, women's magazines, daily newspapers, cultural magazines, specialized media, specific radio programs... It's important to spend time dissecting the French media field and asking yourself which titles are relevant to your project.


Don't forget that the most important media are not the only ones of interest. For example, don't neglect the local media that will reach your most direct target: the inhabitants of your town or region. Content published on the web has a much greater longevity and reach, because it can be shared more easily.Finally, keep in mind that the most important audience for you is the B-to-C (business-to-consumer) public, i.e. your potential customers. Once you've identified the media you're interested in, it's time to think about which journalists you should contact. There's no question of sending an e-mail to a standard address that all media outlets have, such as Mails sent to them are likely never to be read, or even opened. There's also no point in contacting a journalist working on a topic that has nothing to do with the world of catering. You can be sure that they won't bother to open your e-mail, and won't share it with their potentially interested colleagues.

5) Don't overlook the influence of Food bloggers in your PR campaigns

Today, journalists are no longer the only kings of content creation. The emergence of new technologies, and in particular collaborative online creation tools, has enriched the media landscape. As a result, anyone can now create their own media. It's important not to overlook their prescriptive power: their communities are often very loyal and engaged, which means that the publications they write on your behalf will always be beneficial. So spend some time scouring the web and identifying influential bloggers relevant to your restaurant.

6) Take an interest in Food influencers for your PR

Influencers are certainly the media players with the fastest-growing prescription power in recent years. Their Instagram accounts sometimes numbering several hundred thousand followers are increasingly powerful, and their communities more often than not extremely engaged.Gastronomy is one of the most represented themes on Instagram. In 2017, 200 million "#food" hashtags were shared. So inevitably the number of influencers specializing in the gastronomy sector continues to grow. But it's vital to identify the right contacts!Collaborating with an irrelevant influencer, because they don't work on themes close to your own, or because their displayed community doesn't match the one they actually have, can prove completely counterproductive.


The first step is to identify the influencers whose social accounts contain publications of interest to you: a fashion influencer who never publishes a photo of a restaurant he's been to will be of little interest to you.Conversely, an influencer who specializes in recommending restaurants, but whose community is of average size (10 to 20,000 followers), is not to be ignored! On the one hand, there's a good chance that he'll publish a photo of your food or your place, and on the other, you can be sure that his community will be receptive to his post. Don't forget to check the nature of the posts published by the Instagrameur. Is he more interested in exceptional places? Does he prefer a specific type of food: healthyfood or pornfood? Does he prefer carefully decorated plates? Does he prefer selfies? These few questions will tell you whether you're likely to see a post in your establishment's honor on its Instagram account. If your main asset is your food, for example, don't waste any time getting in touch with an Influencer who promotes exceptional Parisian venues.

7) Beware of fake influencers

Fake influencers have become the scourge of brands, companies and agencies working to implement PR and influencer marketing strategies. solutions to recognize them Check the nature of the comments theypost, use tools to measure the evolution of their subscriber numbers or their rate of engagement - we gave you all the tips you need in this article . this articleso don't hesitate to consult it.

8) Know your contacts and understand their expectations

Who are you addressing? Before you start writing any kind of e-mail, it's imperative that you know who you're contacting: what topics he or she writes about, in which media, in what tone, how often? All these indicators will enable you to create an e-mail with the best chance of being opened and read attentively by your contact.

9) Forget bulk mailings and give way to personalization

Today, it's no longer feasible to send grouped emails presenting a project from the same angle to a multitude of journalists with different profiles. Every day, they have to deal with hundreds of e-mails. And many of them are never opened, and left unanswered. If you want to be one of the lucky ones they'll pay attention to, you need to personalize your approach.


Show your contact that you've taken an interest in his work, that you've read some of his writings, and that you're contacting him because you think he might be interested in your project. Don't always present your restaurant from the same angle, but adapt your storytelling! A women's magazine, for example, is more likely to be interested in a warm, girly atmosphere, while a medium like Fooding will be more alert if you mention the use of exceptional products. Use the analysis we recommend above. You'll find inspiration for getting in touch with each journalist.

10) Work on the subject of your e-mails to optimize their open rate

As we said, journalists have a hard time opening the e-mails they receive every day. So it's essential to convince them before they've even opened it, andthere's an ideal tool for this: the subject line. Put some thought into it! Make sure it appeals to your reader, so that he'll want to read you and immerse himself in your e-mail. Surprise them, make them laugh, use the right keywords... There are plenty of ways to arouse interest. Once again, all you need to do is understand their expectations and act accordingly.

11) Invite journalists, bloggers and influencers to come and get a feel for your restaurant

You're in luck: being a restaurateur means giving your guests a real experience. It's a profession that allows you to convey emotions to your customers, through the cuisine, the location, the sharing... you've got a lot going for you to ensurethat your guests have a great time, so make the most of it! Invite journalists, bloggers and influencers to discover for themselves the space you've created. This is the best way to make them want to honor the event and publish content about it in their media. Pamper them, reserve them the most beautiful table, take care of them and make sure they don't miss out on anything.


Even if this invitation, often valid for two people, represents a cost for you, bear in mind that this investment will pay off over time! Your media impact will be much greater, and you'll be rewarded with a large number of customers, who will follow up on the recommendations of these journalists and quickly recoup what you've spent on them.

12) Maintain privileged relationships with your contacts

It's essential that you maintain privileged contacts with journalists, bloggers and influencers. To do this, don't hesitate to take a little time to sit down at their table when they come to discover your restaurant, exchange a few words with them, and describe the concept in person. This will give more substance to your project, which he or she will now be able to put a face to. Afterwards, don't hesitate to send them an e-mail to thank them for coming and ask them what they thought of their experience with you.These few exchanges will make it easier for you to get in touch with them when you need to communicate again about your establishment or, who knows, about a new concept you're developing.

13) Know how to raise without exasperating

Unfortunately, it's not uncommon to have to follow up with media professionals to get a response.Remember to change the body of your e-mail, specifying that you've already contacted the person you're trying to contact, and that you're taking the liberty of contacting them again as you haven't received a reply.


If you have their number, you can also call them. In this case, prepare your call properly: it's imperative that you have a quick pitch in mind, highlighting the strengths of your restaurant, and the reasons why you think your caller might be interested. Bear in mind that you'll be talking to someone who has little time and is extremely busy: so be concise!

14) Follow up on contacts regularly

It's essential to keep track of the contacts you've already made. We advise you to create a PR file in which you can keep track of the progress of your contacts. Has the e-mail been opened? How many times was it opened? Attachment downloaded? Has a reply been received? Has a follow-up been made? Has an article already been written? This will enable you to work properly over the long term and make sure you don't forget any privileged contacts or, conversely, overload any professional with e-mails.

15) Monitor the impact of content, and say thank you when it's published

Monitor your press coverage on a regular basis. This will enable you to measure the impact of your strategy, and adapt it accordingly: a typical e-mail never receives a positive response? Think about adjusting it. Change the subject line, the content, the tagline, or even personalize iteven further.Remember to always thank the professionals who have published content about your establishment. Acknowledging their work will always be appreciated, and you'll keep in good contact with them, ensuring you'll be able to get back to them later.

16) Share the benefits with your community

Don't hesitate to share your results with your community. This will give you extra visibility, and ensure the loyalty of customers you've already acquired, who will be proud to see that an establishment they've discovered for themselves is recognized by major media bodies. That's what Pizzou is doing, and we're supporting it in its PR and influencer strategy:


It's also possible to share your press coverage on fixed Facebook or Instagram stories, so as not to drown out the feed, but to enhance it all the same. Stories published by influencers can also be shared within your stories. As for posts in your honor, don't hesitate to like and comment on them, as this will enhance their visibility.

17) Take advantage of content created by influencers

Influencers are excellent photographers. It would be a shame not to take advantage of their talent when it comes to showcasing your restaurant! Why not link your PR strategy to your community management strategy? Share photos posted by influencers by tagging them. They'll be delighted to have their content highlighted!


This is what Pizzou does on a regular basis. This allows it to feed its Instagram feed with quality photos, and link its community to that of the influencer who recommended it. Here, the restaurant has published a photo of instagrammer sarahmodeee, whose community numbers almost 60,000.

18) Measure the value of your spin-offs

Measuring the value of your spin-offs enables you to ensure the effectiveness of your strategy, to adapt it accordingly, and to evaluate the audience you've reached so far.But it's not enough. It's essential to measure :

  • the audience of the media in which the articles were published. To do this, you can use the Similarweb tool, which accurately calculates the average monthly audience for each media outlet.
  • quality of audience: who reads the media in question? Does this target correspond to your own?
  • the quality of the published content: how much space is given to you in the publication? Is it an article dedicated entirely to you, or is there just a mention of your establishment?

19) Know when to focus your energy

Press relations cannot be maintained on a just-in-time basis, but certain key moments must be the focus of more intense efforts:

  • When you open: it's important to implement a press and influencer relations strategy when you launch your restaurant. This will enable you to make a name for yourself, and you'll have an extra chance of reaching media professionals who will be interested in the creation of a new address and who will want to be among the first to talk about it.
  • During the major events of the year: Christmas, Easter, the start of the summer vacations... These are all times when the media publish suggestions for outings and restaurants. Don't hesitate to implement a press relations strategy for these important periods.
  • When there's something new in your establishment: a change of decoration, something new on the menu, a special evening... The media will be interested in your new products... Provided they already know you, and that you've already done some press relations work beforehand. And don't hesitate to provoke these opportunities by creating events or adding cocktails, desserts, dishes... to your menu.

20. Get support from communications professionals

But all these actions are very time-consuming. If you're short of time, don't hesitate to enlist the help of specialized agencies such as Malou. They'll take the load off your shoulders at key moments in your PR strategy, and will be able to tell you every month how your results are progressing, thanks to their regular work.

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