Food Tech

The 13 most inspiring restaurant restrooms for perfecting the customer experience

What if restrooms were the latest tool for renewing the customer experience in a restaurant? That's the gamble several establishments have taken.

The 13 most inspiring restaurant restrooms for perfecting the customer experience
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According to a survey conducted by Opinion Way for La Fourchette, 45% of French people believe that a good restaurant is defined first and foremost by its conviviality.. So it's not just quality cuisine that customers are looking for when they eat out, but above all a unique experience, a place with a special atmosphere where they can have a good time. But how do you enhance the moment that customers experience in your establishment? How can you make it unique, so as to keep customers coming back for more?

To answer this question, many restaurateurs look for new concepts before opening a new establishment. And with good reason: setting yourself apart from the competition and offering your visitors something unique will attract the curious and increase your visitor numbers. It also increases your visibility: the journalists and influencers you'd like to see in your restaurant receive dozens of proposals every day. To see for yourself, take the example of 3 successful pizzerias that have opened in Paris in recent months: Pizzou is a 100% French pizzeria, La Félicita defines itself as the largest restaurant in Europe, while Magnà, which opened in January 2019, offers pizzas... rolled! So, if each of these places has made in the media in recent months in recent months, it's thanks to their unique characters... In other words, their concept. There's no doubt about it: creating a strong identity for your restaurant helps to build its popularity, but how do you find the idea that will make the difference? It's not all about the products and dishes on the menu. A restaurant's location and décor, for example, can be a way of standing out from the competition. A surprising trend has been emerging for some years now: atypical toilets. These places of comfort, where customers often go without the slightest expectation, are an excellent way to make a difference. And why is that? Because a place as banal and conventional as a washroom can only be pleasantly surprising if it's remarkable, and having thought through the customer experience right up to the point of going to the washroom is, in their eyes, a guarantee of a successful, well-thought-out project. Some companies have understood this. Such is the case of Trône, a start-up housed at Station F, which specializes in the creation of original toilets and has won several innovation awards (Figaro and WeWork). The start-up's mission is to turn these innocuous places into unique places in the world. In other words, Trône makes customers' visits to the toilet experiential, but why and how do you make your restaurant's toilets unique? How do you transform this seemingly mundane domestic object, most often white porcelain, into a memorable phenomenon for your clientele? Here are the toilets of 13 inspiring restaurants that have made the most of this place of ease to enhance their customers' experience.


Creating a one-of-a-kind place is an excellent way to attract the curious and increase your customer base. Customers are delighted to enter a surprising universe. When the gamble pays off, the restaurant becomes a space away from the everyday, a place to relax where worries are put aside. To achieve this, no detail must be left to chance: from the furniture placed around the tables to the restaurant's toilets, everything must be carefully thought out, because in the end, creating toilets in the same tone as the restaurant's universe means preventing customers from leaving the experience they're being offered. It transforms the restaurant's doors into an entrance to a different space-time, which can only be exited by leaving the premises. Working on your restaurant's washrooms means taking part in transforming your establishment into a real space, a unique universe with its own specific codes, and proving to your customer that you've thought through every detail of your project. Every place tells a story, and toilets are part of that story, woven through the décor.

1. Sketch London: the forerunner of unforgettable toilets

Sketch-London, the London concept restaurant opened in 2003 by Mourad Mazzouz and Pierre Gagnaire, is quite astonishing, to say the least. The ambition of its creators was to design a space that married art and gastronomy in a baroque, zany atmosphere. To achieve this, every detail of this unusual restaurant is carefully thought out: the pink tinting most of the furniture and decor, the green carpets reproducing a verdant meadow and the drawings by British artist David Shrigley lining the walls transport the customer into an enchanted world that is both girly and a little crazy.

The designers have thought of everything to take restaurant visitors on a journey through their world, which is somewhat reminiscent of Lewis Caroll's work. At Sketch, there is no such thing as a neutral space. The customer experience has been thought through to the end, and the toilets have not been left out: here, to relieve oneself, one enters individual colored eggs : a cocoon guaranteeing tranquility and introspection that inspired the creators of the start-up Trône.

2. Le Meurice - the most technological

Le Meurice, Alain Ducasse's Michelin-starred restaurant, is also a perfect example of the successful creation of a universe. As soon as you enter this extraordinary space, it 's obvious: it's a luxurious and remarkable place, where it's hard to stop looking because of the sheer number of details. Inspired by the Salon de la Paix in the Château de Versailles, the restaurant's hall is distinguished by its classical refinement: antique mirrors, crystal chandeliers, bronzes, marble and frescoes are all imposing.but in 2016, the great architect Philippe Starck put his stamp on it and decided to break the codes of this traditionally beautiful establishment by inserting touches of modernity. Gilding and period furniture now blend with contemporary materials and objects.

The visitor is taken on a journey between two eras that blend together beautifully. The toilets are also part of the journey: marbled, luxurious and meticulously cared for, they also take you on a journey to another era, thanks to their high-tech equipment. At Le Meurice, the toilets are equipped with Japanese-style technology: glasses that open automatically, integrated water jets... Modern and traditional blend brilliantly right down to the smallest corner.

3. Astair - the purest

Astair is the chic new brasserie located Passage des Panoramas in Paris. With the word "brasserie" often come the terms "classic" and "traditional". And yet, while Astair offers the great classics of French cuisine, its three-starred Chef Gilles Goujon is determined to break the mould and blend them with modernity.[caption id="attachment_5414" align="aligncenter" width="791"]

Photo: Vincent Leroux[/caption]The decor of this exceptional venue is the brainchild of the great Tristan Auer. Together, the designers wanted to make Astair an ode to the festive dining of the 20s. As they state on their website, they wanted to"make Parisians want to eat snails in evening dress, with a cocktail in hand and jazz music playing in the background".

The site's toilets also contribute to this ambition, and are characterized by their unique charm. To this end, the architect called on start-up Trône to create a unique toilet model.


Some places are created around a strong identity. They are defined either by the way in which their creators look at the world, or as unique objects in their own right. In both cases, the message conveyed by the establishment is essential, but must not conflict with the experience the customer has when visiting it. As we shall see, toilets can play an important part in affirming a discourse, and several restaurants have succeeded in using these relieving spaces as additional proof of the credibility of their project.

4. MOB HOTEL - the most philosophical

The MOB HÔTEL, the latest jewel in the Mama Shelter creator's crown, defines itself not as a hotel-restaurant but as a movement. It's a"polymorphous living space (combining a hotel, a restaurant and numerous spaces ready to host a rich cultural program) designed as an oasis for curious nomads". A space that values a particular ethic (organic and short circuits) but that also ensures a certain outlook on the world, and on culture in particular. The MOB presents itself as a place of elevation, a place of education and reflection on new cultural paradigms.

In the corridors of the MOB, you can observe paintings reproducing the face of Karl Marx, read zany inscriptions on the walls, consult one of the 7,000 books in their library... But the experience doesn't stop there, and continues in the toilets, where you can listen to philosophical recitals while contemplating the same strange inscriptions that can be seen everywhere in the hotel. That's right, here you can relieve yourself in the company of philosophers whose words are broadcast through speakers located in the room. Toilets are not taken lightly at the MOB, where they are considered a place for reflection. To convince its visitors of this, the hotel-restaurant makes available the FLUSH magazine, whose subtitle is none other than "toilets, culture and society", and even invites a lady fortune-teller to certain evenings.

5. La Félicità - the most psychedelic

La Felicità, the latest Parisian addition to the Big Mamma group, describes itself as "Europe's largest restaurant". And with good reason, this XXL project reserves 1,000 seats for its visitors, and covers 4,500 m², including 1,000 m² of terrace. To cater for this expected flood of customers, but also to demonstrate the breadth of its universe, the group asked start-up Trône to propose 8 toilets with different atmospheres.

This multitude of atmospheres allows customers to enjoy a different experience every time they visit Le petit coin à la Félicità...

6. The last bar - the geekiest and most playful

Le dernier bar, or last bar before the end of the world, is the geekiest bar in Paris and Lille. It's where Star Wars, Marvels and Lord of the Rings fans go to sip a Sakura or a Pan Galactic. In short, Le dernier bar is undoubtedly the place to geek for people from Lille and Paris.

To make the experience complete, and so as not to penalize beer-drinkers who have to go to the toilet regularly, the bar's creators have come up with an ingenious system: the urinals and toilets are equipped with screens showing a video game. While the girls play using a joystick provided, the urinals are equipped with sensors that guide the game according to the flow of boys...

7. Absurd Imposture - the most festive

At L'Absurde Imposture, a bar in Paris's 18th arrondissement, the beer is flowing and the party's in full swing. To prolong the festive atmosphere and keep the mood of those rushing to the toilets to relieve themselves, the managers have installed a disco ball. So it's safe to say that the party's going on everywhere in this bar.

8. La Mutinerie - the most committed

La Mutinerie is a bar, a party place, but also and above all a cultural and political space for the fight against the oppression of queer people. And for good reason: it's one of the most emblematic feminist venues in Paris, where you can go to find feminist documentation, attend monthly workshops and party in a place close to your ideals...

So it's only logical that La Mutinerie should be the only gender-neutral washroom in Paris. Here, no classic "woman" and "man" pictograms on the doors of the little nook, but a drawing representing a mixed person, wearing a skirt on one side and pants on the other. Better still, if a urinal is indeed provided in the bar, it is specified on a poster that women can also use it. A drawing explains this very clearly: all they have to do is ask for a drink at the bar, relieve themselves in it, and then pour it into the urinal. These two simple signs allow La Mutinerie to affirm its respect for diverse identities and reinforce its feminist image with visitors.


Humor is one of the most convincing weapons for building customer loyalty. Some restaurants have understood this and use it on a daily basis as part of their communication strategy. If social media restaurant are excellent channels for making your community laugh, the promise of a relaxed atmosphere must be kept once you're there. A number of establishments have bet on their restrooms to make their visitors smile.

9. Belushi's - the most anti-Trump

Belushi's is an Anglo-Saxon youth hostel with a very relaxed atmosphere. Here, games of pool or table tennis punctuate drinks with friends. But today, this bar is almost more famous for its astonishing toilets than for what it offers on its menu. And for good reason! Its urinals are sure to attract the curious: they were inspired by The Rolling Stones' "Tong and lips".

This toilet is the work of Dutch artist Meike van Schijndel. It was only a few years ago, in the midst of the American presidential campaign, that Donald Trump's face came to complete it, thanks to the help of two Californian artists.

10. Maison burger - the friendliest

At La Maison Burger, sharing and conviviality are the watchwords. And the brand proves it to its customers even in its toilets: at home, you can go to the toilet as a duo and even leave a kind word for the next person(s).

Customers are having a field day, sharing their work on social media. The proof is in the pudding: even Guillaume Canet was clearly won over by the proposition.

11. OberMamma - the most voyeuristic

The creators of OberMamma, one of the Big Mamma Group's addresses, clearly have a sense of humor, and visitors to the restaurant's toilets soon realize this. The restaurant has installed toilets with tintless windows, which means that the person relieving him/herself can see what's going on outside, but people outside the toilets see a black window. Enough to make any customer feel uncomfortable... But also to make many laugh!


Some restaurants go even further to get the word out: they create these atypical spaces that attract customers and encourage them to promote them on social media.

12. PNY - the most photographed

The famous burger restaurant PNY has transformed its toilets into a space for selfies. The restaurant's founder explained that it was the green and pink neon lights in the toilets that initially prompted customers to take photos of themselves and post them on social media.

But it's above all the restaurant's communication that has accelerated the process and turned the place into a veritable social phenomenon. PNY systematically relays these photos on its Instagram account. The restaurant even created the hashtag #mercreditoilettes for the occasion, enabling it to quickly find people who post their portrait on Instagram without tagging the restaurant. Finally, PNY's last good idea: printing out some of the best shots to display in the toilets. This encourages Internet users to photograph themselves in the hope of finding themselves on the walls of their favorite restaurant.

13. Ma Cocotte - the most immaculate

At Ma Cocotte, it's not neon lights that catch the eye and the camera of customers, but the purity that emanates from the decor. The immaculate white has been specially designed to make it easy for budding photographers to shoot their portraits.

Once again, the restaurant takes advantage of this customer-generated content and relays it on social media. It even sometimes posts photos of this monochrome venue and relays them on its Instagram account.


Restaurant toilets can thus be used as an extension of the universe created by restaurateurs in their establishments. While the last two examples show toilets designed to be specifically relayed on social media,each of the projects presented here can be used to support the reputation of the establishment. Just like any other concept, an original toilet is a way of getting in touch with potential customers via social networks, as well as with journalists and influencers.

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