Best case referencing: Easy Sushi
Good local SEO is the guarantee ofonline visibility to attract new customers to your restaurant and increase online orders. The Easy Sushi team called on us - and they haven't looked back.
8 out of 10 French people search for their restaurant on the Internet. It is therefore essential to appear at the top of search results to attract customers and generate reservations and online orders. Owner Vincent and his team have been delighting their neighbors in La Valette du Var for several years now. The restaurant's website is a merchant site, meaning you can order directly from it and have it delivered. Becoming visible online is therefore a strategic challenge, both to attract customers to the restaurant and to increase the number of orders taken online. We worked to ensure that Internet users looking for a Japanese restaurant would find Easy Sushi and either order online or visit the restaurant itself. Today, residents of the neighboring towns of La Garde, Solliès-Pont and La Farlède are finally seeing the restaurant in the top 3 on Google. These are major opportunities for growth, as the restaurant relies heavily on delivery to boost sales.
The restaurant even passed Sushi Shop Toulon on delivery from Solliès-Ville :
Twice as many people found Easy Sushi online
We worked on the restaurant's local referencing so that it could generate more sales. In just one month, the restaurant doubled the number of potential customers who saw it!
After our optimizations: twice as many monthly customers were generated on the Google My Business listing
Being visible online is essential, but converting visitors means having a direct impact on sales. Not only did we put Easy Sushi in front of the eyes of those looking for Japanese food, but we also doubled visits to the website (where customers are encouraged to order or have delivered), the requests for directions and direct calls.
Menu and restaurant photos are consulted 5 times more often
Before our intervention, the company's photos were 20% less popular than those of its competitors. Yet 70% of smartphone users need to look at menu photos before visiting a restaurant. It's a digital illustration of the old adage "you eat with your eyes". Today, photos of sushi, maki, rolls and other delicacies on the menu are consulted almost five times more each month.
The members of the Easy Sushi team understand the importance of being visible online for a restaurant today. We help them win customers for table service or delivery, and they keep them loyal with their fresh produce, quality service and energy! If you're ever in the south of France, stop in for their sushi or Dounia's smile!
We double our efforts to satisfy you
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