Local, Facebook's new application: how can you seize the opportunity to boost visibility?

Food Tech
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Local, Facebook's new application: how can you seize the opportunity to boost visibility?

Facebook's new application puts the spotlight on local referencing. The giant thus offers establishments a new social showcase, to raise their profile and acquire new customers.

Facebook Local combines a search tool and a social interface to help mobile users more easily choose the places they want to visit, according to their tastes. Launched just a few days ago, the application has everything it takes to help restaurateurs succeed in their customer acquisition strategy. Here we explain how you can use it to boost the visibility of your establishment and attract new customers.

Local, the Facebook location search application

In January, Google and Facebook sounded the same note: the two online giants announced that they would be implementing processes to promote the appearance of local information, to the detriment of players such as the media and brands. On May 14, Facebook France put this promise into action with the release of a new application available on Androïd and IOS. The latter, rolled out since November 2017 in the United States, lets you " discover places to visit and things to do, recommended by friends you know and trust ". Aditya Koolwal, Product Manager of Facebook Local, summed up Local's intention to Techcrunch last November: the app is made to help socionauts plan outings with their friends. In other words, it fits in with Facebook's logic of " bringing the world " and its users closer together , by putting them in touch with the various opportunities available to them. So,how does Local work? And why might this application be of particular interest to restaurant operators?

One application, many opportunities for restaurateurs

The application is available in three main versions:

  • A place to search for venues and events,
  • An interactive map of popular places nearby,
  • And a calendar listing upcoming events.

These three features offer restaurateurs the opportunity to acquire new customers:

1. Appear in Local's search suggestions: an additional chance to convert many Internet users into customers and maximize the occupancy of your establishment.


The application's home page enables users to find popular restaurants, cafés and bars near their location. In addition to these filters, there's an extra option of particular interest to restaurateurs: the " tested by friends " filter. With this tool, just like TripAdvisor, Facebook uses Internet users as guarantors of the quality of suggested establishments. But the social network goes one step further than its competitor: while the TripAdvisor community's ratings and comments are used in the online directory, this time it's the users' Facebook friends who are responsible for recommending the establishments. It's transparency that Facebook Local is positioning its pawns on today, and it's on this that restaurants will be able to take advantage of the application! After all, according to a 2015 study by the Boston Consulting Group, 50% of consumers turn first to family and friends before making a purchase. Local holds a major trump card here that restaurateurs shouldn't overlook : by appearing in Local's suggestions, establishments stand a good chance of gaining the trust of Internet users and seeing them convert into customers.

2. A tool to help restaurants raise their profile locally


Once the user's geolocation has been activated, the interactive map shows the user the restaurants located near him or her. Once again, filters can be added to find specific types of establishments, such as "French restaurant", "Mexican restaurant"... Facebook Local thus appears as a complementary tool to online directories (we've made a selection of the directories we consider the most relevant here) and to Google My Business (whose workings we explain in this article). Facebook Local users searching for a restaurant in your neighborhood will be more likely to position themselves on your establishment if they see it appear in the first results. Furthermore, it should be noted that Local enables you to increase your chances of capturing a particular segment of your clientele: young adults. Indeed, 73% of 18-24 year-olds say they access information on social media, which suggests that they will turn to this new application when looking for a restaurant.So, by being present on Local and using it as a complementary tool to other SEO platforms, you optimize your chances of maximizing your restaurant's fill rate.

3. The calendar: another way for restaurants to promote their products locally


Last but not least, Local's calendar displays not only the events in which the Facebook account holder has indicated that he or she is taking part, but also the events in which his or her friends are taking part! In other words, the Facebook application is a tool that would be a shame to miss. In particular, it will be indispensable for promoting exceptional moments in the life of your restaurant, such as its opening, the introduction of a new offer, or the creation of a new space...

All you restaurateurs need to do is be present and active on Facebook!

To make the most of this new application, there's no miracle: it's essential that you regularly update your establishment's page. By publishing quality content, replying to comments and using the Facebookadvertising tool skilfully, you'll increase your chances of being featured on Facebook Local and converting many users into loyal customers! Don't hesitate to write to us if you have any questions!

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