Caffè Cardito: 2 times more reviews in 2 months

Cardito Village doubled its reviews and reached 1st place in Google in 2 months with MalouApp. Find out how they optimized their management.


"The MalouApp is very, very easy to use. It's become an everyday tool, I use it every day, it's my routine!

Kevin Fontaine
Marketing Director, Cardito Village Group

The adventure of the group Cardito Village began in 2022 with the opening of Caffé Cardito, followed by the inauguration of Nonna Cardito and Casa Cardito at the end of 2023. The challenge: make each establishment known (listing) and centralize the management of their information (very time-consuming). By switching to the MalouApp, Caffe Cardito, Casa Cardito and Nonna Cardito achieved impressive results in just two months: x2 on the number of Google customer reviews collected, +0.4 on the average Google rating and the #1 position on the strategic keywords "Italian restaurant" "brunch restaurant". In particular, the installation of Malou totems in the 3 restaurants doubled the number of customer reviews, from 4.2 to 4.6 in just one month on Google.

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