Created by Thibaut Spiwack, ANONA is the ethical gastronomic restaurant in Paris (17th district).

position for research linked to the company's ethical values
increased online visibility

"Malou has enabled us to meet our customers. We couldn't do without her."

Anona Marketing Manager

A former Top Chef contestant, Thibaut Spiwack is passionate about ethical, eco-responsible gastronomy. His dream has come true with the creation of ANONA, a high-flying culinary concept that rhymes with short circuits, seasonal produce and waste reduction. Awarded a green star by the Michelin Guide, the restaurant has one problem: getting itself known by the right public, those who share its values.

By working on its SEO with Malou, ANONA quickly made a name for itself on Google as THE eco-responsible gourmet restaurant. The result? Neighborhood customers and the eco-minded are flocking to the restaurant. In the words of Alix, Anona's Marketing Manager, "Malou has enabled us to meet our clientele and make our mark on the Parisian gastronomic scene."

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