Instagram marketing: the complete guide!

Instagram marketing guide for restaurants
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Everything you need to know in 7 secrets to make your restaurant a reference on Instagram! An e-book by Malou and Zenchef 👨‍🍳

What's the point of Instagram for a restaurant?

In 15 years, Instagram has gone from being the "new social network" to the"temple of foodies". Today, it's arguably a marketing tool in its own right for restaurant and catering professionals . 

For a restaurant, an Instagram account is :

  • An online showcase (and open-air menu) where you can spread your brand identity and build brand awareness (a culinary medium, in a way). Every story, every post is an opportunity forstorytelling and generating desire;

  • A customer acquisition tool: both loyalty (interacting with your subscribers, keeping them coming back) and new customer acquisition.

How does Instagram help you capture more customers ? Thanks to high-reach formats like Reels, booking plug-ins in your bios (Zenchef demo in the ebook above!) or tagging micro influencers.

You'll find all these tips (and more) in our ebook.

Restaurant owners: steps to a successful Instagram account

We've put them all together in this ebook!

These key steps in broad outline are to create :

  • A strong editorial line or brand image (your tone, your photos, your favorite dishes);
  • An organization designed to bring customers back to you (your bio, links, call to actions);
  • A regular, intelligent distribution strategy;
  • A strategy for engaging your subscribers and getting them to react (e.g. replying to messages)
  • A sponsorship or competition strategy.

Excerpt from the ebook Instagram: stand out and succeed in your shots

A successful brand isone you recognize at a glance.

It's all a subtle mix of colors, fonts, hues, content...

👉 Malou's tips for making every photo and post a success :

  • Use natural light (preferably in the morning);
  • Emphasize light in your settings (exaggerate contrasts);
  • Avoid filters at all costs (except in stories);
  • Take your photos overhead (just above the flat);
  • Vary the subjects of your photos (a shot of a dish, an entire table, cocktails, the wine cellar, etc.);
  • Show people (faces make interactions take off).

Final tip: take a look at what your competitors are doing! Scan your establishments with the Malou diagnostic to see how you position yourself in the market!

We double our efforts to satisfy you

Increase your visibility on Google and social media with Malou.