The green revolution in the kitchen: Top 10 eco-responsible French restaurateurs

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The green revolution in the kitchen: Top 10 eco-responsible French restaurateurs

The ecological transition is now an integral part of the French landscape. But how can you, as a restaurateur, become part of this process? Find the answers with our top 10 eco-responsible restaurateurs and the lessons they've learned. [caption id="attachment_8943" align="aligncenter" width="748"]

L'Express[/caption]60% of French people are concerned about the state of the planet, and stress the urgent need for action. In France, the restaurant industry is one of the sectors where food waste and non-ecological practices are most rampant, with 900,000 tonnes of food waste produced every year.To attract and retain an increasingly eco-responsible clientele, some restaurateurs are promoting non-polluting, sustainable production structures. The government is also playing its part in this greening process. ThePacte National de Lutte contre le Gaspillage alimentaire has set a target of halving food waste by 2025. From sourcing to transforming cooking habits to reducing their carbon footprint, restaurateurs have their part to play in the sustainable development model. So it's no coincidence that the Food Forum 2020 international conference will be dedicated to the ecological transition in the foodservice industry. Concerned about the environment and their health, 77% of French people would like to find local and organic food products in their restaurants. However, only 37% offer them. The green trend is not new, and will continue to grow in the years to come. " Millennials" will represent 50% of the population in thirty years' time. These new consumers want local and sourced products, and tomorrow's gastronomy will either be 'green' or it won't be ," explains Marie-Odile Fondeur, General Manager of the Salon international de la restauration, de l'hôtellerie et de l'alimentation (SIRHA).Personal convictions, regulatory constraints, customer sensitivity to ecological issues... restaurateurs have everything to gain by adopting the right gestures for the planet. From now on, in addition to being good, tasty and well-crafted, dishes must also be beautiful and responsible. How can we achieve this? We sought answers from the 10 chefs who are most aware of and involved in this green revolution.

1- François Pasteau: pioneer of eco-responsible cooking

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Le Parisien[/caption]Who? A graduate of the École Ferrandi, François Pasteau is one of the spearheads of eco-responsible cuisine. Long-time chef of the Epi Dupin bistro in Paris, near Beaumarchais, François Pasteau campaigns for the preservation of the food ecosystem.With the Epi Dupin and its snacking version , the Epi Malin, François Pasteau has succeeded in creating a zero-waste, humane cuisine based on seasonal, plant-based and local produce.The tip for the planet? Use leftovers in two or three recipes to avoid throwing them away. Fish skins or day-old bread can be cooked with flavor. What's new? In addition to his green recipes, Chef Pasteau is also involved in associations such as "Éthique et Gastronomie" (specializing in the fight against food waste), "Ethic Océan" (an organization dedicated to preserving oceans and resources) and "Bon pour le climat" (promoting low-carbon catering). To promote hisgood practices, François Pasteau has written "Manger et cuisiner éco-responsable"(Eco-responsible eating and cooking), which explains the challenges of sustainable eating and cooking.

2- Alain Ducasse: a giant in the gastronomy galaxy

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© L'Express[/caption]Who? The three-starred chef needs no introduction. Head of a gastronomic empire, he has published numerous specialist works, including "Naturalité"The tip for the planet? Center your cooking around vegetables and cereals to limit the carbon footprint of animal products. What's new? From March 20 to 22, 2020, the Food Forum international symposium will be held. Chosen by the French President to design and promote the event, Alain Ducasse aims to "place gastronomy at the heart of the ecological transition". Alain Ducasse's commitment to the environment can be seen directly on his website, with images and videos featuring nature.

3- Victor Mercier: committed chef and globetrotter

Who? Top Chef 2018 finalist Victor Mercier is one of the young chefs who are committed to respecting the environment. During his world tour, Victor made his film "Pour eux", which tackles the theme of food sovereignty and tomorrow's food. His locavore vision and faithful convictions enable him to limit his carbon footprint. The tip for the planet? Replace far-flung export products with French alternatives: chicory instead of coffee, melilot instead of vanilla.What's new? Victor Mercier's approach has been rewarded with the Ecotable label, andhis 100% made in Francegourmet restaurant (FIEF - Fait Ici En France) has received top marks from the label of eco-responsible and committed restaurants. How do you promote your commitment? On Instagram, the young chef shares his values both on his personal account and on his restaurant's official account. He also takes part in podcasts and videos in which he explains his green convictions.

4- Christophe Hay: ambassador for small producers

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Christophe Hay, chef of La Table d'à Côté and La maison d'à Côté © Références Hôteliers Restaurateurs[/caption]Who ?double Michelin-starred chef, head of La Table d'à côté located in Ardon, has been awarded his first star in the 2019 edition of the Michelin Guide. His establishment La maison d'à côté in Montlivault, Loir-et-Cher, has just been awarded a second star. Triply toasted by Gault & MillauChristophe Hay has become the first chef to take on the full challenge of raising the famous Wagyu beef, with 27 animals. His goal? To limit the carbon footprint associated with importing this meat, which originated in Japan and is very popular in mainland France. The tip for the planet? Buy from local producers and collect their produce in reusable bins to eliminate packaging.What's new? Its environmental approach has been rewarded in the 2020 edition of the Michelin guide. Its restaurants have been singled out in the new "sustainable gastronomy" category and awarded the green badge.How to promote its commitment? It constantly promotes its commitment with the local press, notably via La République du Centre and France Bleu Blois.

5- Ludovic Delille: all eco, all organic

Who is he? Having worked in the prestigious kitchens of Crillon, Drouant and Tante Louise, chef Ludovic Delille is taking on a new challenge: to make the ecological transition the heart of his cuisine. Awarded the Ecotable label as soon as it opened, Le Grand Beau is the new sustainable address. Every dish is made from products processed on site. The restaurant's commitment to the environment is reflected in the frame, made from natural materials, and the waiters' and cooks' outfits, made from recycled textiles. Have your bio-waste collected by the social economy start-up Les Alchimistes and turned into compost. Choose your energy fromEnercoop, a French supplier of electricity from renewable sources.What's new? The new Galeries Lafayette in Beaugrenelle (75015) is the setting for the Grand Beau restaurant. Orchestrated by chef Ludovic Delille, the restaurant offers organic and local produce, meats sourced from committed producers and fish from local MSC-labeled fisheries.How to promote your commitment? Ludovic Delille highlights his recipes and ecological actions mainly in the Parisian press(Sortir à Paris, Le Parisien, 20 Minutes).

6- Christophe Juville: restaurateur and entrepreneur

Who's Christophe Juville? After obtaining a CAP (vocational training certificate) in cookery with various specialities (sommelier and barman) to master all aspects of the kitchen, Christophe Juville set about opening two establishments in Marseille. Drawing on his personal and professional experience, he launched Spok, an urban canteen in the Galeries Lafayette shopping center. On the menu? Healthy and tasty seasonal culinary creations, prepared with 100% fresh produce.Tips for the planet?Replace plastic with cornstarch cutlery (biodegradable) and boxes made exclusively from paper from managed forests (healthy and renewable). Once recycled, they are transformed into recycled paper reels, which in turn are used to make bags and napkins. Bottled water is replaced by filtered water in carafes. What's new? Spok has set up a modular restaurant-container in Marseille's 9th arrondissement (Parc de Marseille Sud). A modular, innovative concept that has already worked in Paris Gare de Lyon. Christophe Juville calls himself an entrepreneur for the planet. It's a word he uses in the media as much as on his website. On the Spok website, a section is dedicated to the restaurant's ecological commitments.

7- Nadia Sammut: the first gluten-free Michelin-starred chef

Who? Trained as a chemist, Nadia Sammut changed her career path after developing celiac disease. She treated herself, trained as a cook and joined her mother, Reine Sammut, star chef at Auberge La Fenière. She then took over the reins of the inn and restaurant, offering gluten-free and lactose-free cuisine that is gourmet, local and responsible. She initiated the Cuisine Libre® movement, and set up training courses to support professionals in allergen-free cooking. She also designed the Kayser line of gluten-free bakery products and advised Noglu (a gluten-free restaurant). Work with chickpea flour - sourced locally - to offer responsible, healthy, local delicacies. Buying unsold produce from farmers at half price to combat food waste and give it a second life.What's new? At the end of 2019, she and her partner Ernedt Do Komensal will launch Komensal, a gluten-free brand of breads, cookies and cakes. What do all these products have in common? Chickpea flour, gourmet goodness and sustainability!How do you promote your commitment? In terms of communication, Nadia Sammut raises awareness of the gluten issue at well-known festivals such as Avignon and Arles.

8- Catherine and Hervé Bourdon: farming couple and restaurateur

Who? A former creative director in a Parisian advertising agency, Hervé Bourdon and his wife Catherine Bourdon left Paris and the office world for Brittany and the restaurant business. To grow their fruit and vegetables close to the restaurant without using pesticides, and to select ingredients produced locally.What's new? Le Petit Hôtel du Grand Large has been honored by the Michelin Guide, in the "Sustainable Gastronomy" category. A distinction that honors the work carried out by Hervé Bourdon and his wife in favor of ecology.How do you promote your commitment? Catherine and Hervé Bourdon advertise directly in the national and local press(Télégramme and Ouest France).

9- Glenn Viel: a talented eco-responsible chef

Who's Glenn Viel? Originally from Brittany, Glenn Viel has worked in the prestigious Paris kitchens of the Plaza Athénée and Le Meurice. Determined and a perfectionist, in 2015 he moved to Les Baux-de-Provence to head up L'Oustau de Baumanière after a wealth of experience in gastronomic institutions. The young chef aims to modernize L'Oustau de Baumanière's cuisine. For the past 5 years, Glenn Viel has been working to revitalize the menu. A vegetarian menu is offered all year round, with the majority of produce sourced from the hotel's garden. The tip for the planet? Eliminate plastic and waste garbage cans. Glenn Viel has been awarded his 3rd Michelin star. An accolade that encourages him to go green. How can he promote his commitment? With his Instagram account, Glenn Viel shows his daily actions in favor of the environment.

10- Romain Mahi: A green conscience

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Gilles Pudlowski[/caption]Who? A graduate of the prestigious Ferrandi school, Romain Mahi worked at the Grand Louvre and Le Meurice before taking over the kitchens of the restaurant Accents table Bourse. Healthy eating and the use of reusable ingredients are principles that are firmly anchored in his cooking. At Accents table Bourse, Romain Mahi shares his expertise with pastry chef and manager Ayumi Sugiyama. Tips for the planet...Ensure that producers and suppliers are committed and certified by certain labels (PGI: Protected Geographical Indication or MSC).News? Their approach has been rewarded with a Michelin star in 2019. How to promote their commitment? Communication about their commitment remains discreet. However, on their restaurant website, a manifesto on their commitment appears directly on the homepage to raise awareness of their green convictions.

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