Restaurant Management

The challenges of online booking

What issues revolve around reservation? Which players are best placed to tackle them? Find the answers in our latest infographic

The challenges of online booking
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Online restaurant reservations can both streamline service and "guarantee" sales. Yet more and more establishments are refusing to take them. Why is this? Some point to the difficulty of the"no show" phenomenon - reservations taken but not honored, blocking tables and depriving restaurateurs of customers. Others, like Big Mamma, explain that their strategy is based on "volume", and that by not taking reservations, they manage to run 2 to 3 services twice a day. Indeed, if reservations are generally taken around 1pm for lunch, and 8pm/8.30pm for dinner, they then prevent the realization of two services out of one meal.

What issues revolve around reservation? Which players are best placed to tackle them? Find out in our latest restaurant reservations infographic.

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Louiza Hacene
Louiza Hacene
Cofounder & CEO
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