Restaurant Management

Everything you need to know about restaurant sales (and 9 tips for increasing them)

How to calculate and increase your sales: it's in this article!

Everything you need to know about restaurant sales (and 9 tips for increasing them)
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When you're a restaurateur, revenue is a constant preoccupation. With 1 in 2 restaurants closing their doors within a year, it's imperative to keep track of your "financial ratios" and optimize your costs. How do you calculate your restaurant's sales? What's the average restaurant turnover on the market? And above all, how can you increase your turnover with simple solutions? Discover Malou's 8 tips!

What are restaurant sales?

It's very simple: a restaurant's turnover is the total amount of money it generates through its activities.

These activities include all your restaurant's sales (meals, drinks, merchandise), including expenses such as reservations, deliveries and tips. In most cases, sales are calculated over a given period: one year, six months, one month, etc. 

Not to be confused: restaurant sales and profits. 

Net profit is the amount of money a restaurant earns once all expenses have been subtracted (restaurant rent, employee wages, utilities, raw materials, equipment, taxes, etc.).

How do you calculate restaurant sales?

To calculate your sales, start by listing the figures you will need: 

-Number of days open. In France, the average is 300 days a year;

-Number of services per day. Lunch, dinner, breakfast or brunch;

-Fill rate. To calculate it, divide the number of customers present by the number of places available, then multiply by 100. For example, if your restaurant has 50 seats and only 40 customers are present, your fill rate is 80%;

-Average bill. This is the average amount spent by a customer on a meal.

Ready, get your calculators!

There are 2 different formulas for calculating your sales.

  • Number of days open x Table turnover rate x Number of covers x Average bill
  • Number of days open x Number of covers x Average ticket x Fill rate X Number of services 

The difference between these two formulas? Simple:

  1. The first focuses on table turnover, ideal if your restaurant has a high turnover (you welcome several waves of customers during one service);
  1. The second includes the fill rate and number of services, more suited to restaurants offering several services per day with variable capacity (if you have a terrace or several rooms, for example).

What is the average restaurant sales figure?

While it's natural to want to know the average turnover of a restaurant, keep in mind that these figures vary enormously! With over 214,000 establishments in France (including foodtrucks, caterers, bars...), the sector is highly disparate(Source).

According to HelloWork and Combo

  • The average restaurant in France generates sales of €16,000 a month;
  • Average fast-food sales would be €14,000 a month.

How to increase your restaurant sales?

1. Calculate your average sales

To increase your sales, you first need to understand where you stand!

Take a step back. Average your sales over the past year.

Compare yourself to other establishments: similar restaurants in the area and restaurants close to yours. Consider factors such as the location, size and type of your restaurant.

Use this information to understand your strengths, weaknesses and main obstacles, and then set new, achievable goals.

2. Implement a digital marketing strategy

We can't stress this enough: digital marketing is one of the keys to success in the restaurant business! 

Because these strategies enable you to arrive first in search results, capture customers via Google My Business (Google Business Profile), appear everywhere on Instagram or Facebook, the quantified gains are incomparable.

Did you know? In 2024, Malou customers who worked on their restaurant's digital marketing generated an average of €4,500 more in sales per month.

Get started: start by following our 16 digital communication tips! Local referencing, social media, improving your online ratings and reviews, influencer lists... We explain it all to you.

Have you just opened your restaurant? Get started with the basics: create and optimize your restaurant's listing with the Malou guide below.

Sure, marketing is an investment, but it's not just profitable: it's also exponential ! In our latest Malou study on marketing gains in 2024, we found that the percentage of additional customers increased every quarter for digitally active restaurants.

3. Focus on delivery 

Dark kitchens get it! Delivery is an extremely effective way of boosting a restaurant's revenue.

During the COVID-19 crisis, establishments had no choice but to switch to takeaway sales. Several years later, delivery is still used to boost restaurant sales.

It is estimated that a restaurant can increase its sales by €8,000 to €20,000 a month thanks to delivery.

4. Reorganize your menu

Start by analyzing your costs and sales to determine the most profitable dishes on your menu.

Then show them off as much as possible! On your menus, in photos on your Google listing, on Instagram, etc.

When it comes to profitability, think fresh, seasonal produce. They're tastier, more environmentally-friendly and also less expensive!

Once you've done this, create profitable "star" dishes for each menu change. You can use a seasonal produce calendar.

5. Review your pricing

Fair pricing is absolutely key to increasing your average ticket and, ultimately, your sales.

To get a good idea of your prices, start by taking a look at the competition. Check out the prices of restaurants around you, and of restaurants similar to yours.

Take location and other external factors into account, as they can affect prices! 

You can also check prices on the Internet or via delivery apps (Deliveroo, Uber Eats).

By combining an ingenious menu with an effective pricing strategy, you can maximize your sales while offering a quality culinary experience.

If a license is expensive, you should know that many restaurateurs make their margins on drinks!

6. Maximize the value of each customer

Attract more customers or raise prices? All restaurateurs are faced with these difficult choices.

The right reflex: maximize the value of every customer who walks through your door! The idea is to make the most of every transaction. 

Encourage your waiters to systematically offer extras (aperitif, starter, dessert, beverage), suggest attractive formulas or highlight special offers

Malou's tip: every customer represents a potential positive review! Take advantage of busy periods to launch review campaigns. It's the best way to increase your average rating on Google. 

7. Optimize your margins

It's impossible to miss out on the margins in foodservice. 

Simply put, a margin is the profit a restaurant makes on the sale of a product. 

By maximizing your margins, you increase your income without necessarily increasing your sales!

To review your margins, you can : 

  • Renegotiate with your raw materials suppliers ;
  • Reduce waste (review your inventory, use organic waste for other recipes, use value-for-money ingredients);
  • Portion control: standardize the portions served to avoid overdosing on costly ingredients, while guaranteeing customer satisfaction;
  • Optimize the efficiency of your teams (redefine roles and schedules, estimate needs);
  • Automate a maximum number of processes (management, reservations, accounting);
  • Improve energy efficiency to reduce your electricity bills (your equipment in the short term, or your premises in the longer term).

8. Build customer loyalty 

Did you know? In the end, a new customer costs you more than a regular one.

Keep customers coming back! Reward their loyalty with programs, promotions and special offers. Keep in touch with your customer community at social media and share every new feature. 

Finally, never underestimate service! 

9. Focus on diversification

What we call "diversification" in the restaurant business consists in considering other sources of income. 

For example: 

  • Create a "grocery" product line (like Petit Bao's sriracha sauce);
  • Collaborate with another restaurateur on a shared star dish (so you can benefit from their visibility);
  • Catering services;
  • Organize events (concerts, vernissage);
  • Creating an ephemeral terrace;
  • Offer dedicated teleworking areas with WiFi ;
  • Rent your space ...

The possibilities are endless! Be creative.

In conclusion: organize these tips according to how quickly they can be implemented. Start with "quick wins" before embarking on long-term optimizations. Good luck 💪!

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Sarah Schnebert
Sarah Schnebert
Content & SEO manager
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