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9 solutions to prepare your restaurant for the 2024 summer sports season

How can you prepare your restaurant for summer 2024? Malou's experts tell you all about it in this article!

9 solutions to prepare your restaurant for the 2024 summer sports season
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Spring 2024: athletes get ready 🏃 . What about you? Peak footfall, exploding bookings, online searches... If you're a catering professional, it's time to anticipate the sporting challenges of 2024! To succeed, here are 9 innovative solutions approved by Malou👇

Summer sports 2024: the importance of capitalizing on the event

The biggest sporting event ever held in France, the Games are expected to attract some 15 million visitors, 25% of whom have high purchasing power. This represents both an opportunity and a challenge for catering professionals, who are expecting a significant increase in their clientele.

An opportunity to achieve record sales and visitor numbers - provided you're well prepared! 🫡

Not ready yet? Don't panic, discover our 5 tips to fill your restaurant during the summer of 2024.

👉 To capitalize on the event, we offer you a selection of 9 solutions designed for restaurants. Innovative tools to simplify life in the food trades and absorb surplus work. Boost your efficiency and save you time 💪 !

Solution 1 - Optimize reservations with Zenchef

The Zenchef advantage is that international customers can find you, book with you, register on your waiting list, and even pay in advance, all via a single platform. This saves you precious time in managing your reservations and optimizes your establishment's capacity.

The tool also suggestsanalyzing your data to take advantage of it. For example, examine previous years' bookings at the same time to get the best estimate of your July clientele.

Solution 2 - Managing staff with Combo 🤝

Who wants to plan team schedules one by one, right in the middle of high season? Not to mention organizing payroll, tracking hours... Do yourself a favor: go directly to Combo, a comprehensive human resources management platform designed specifically for restaurants. On the team side, requests for leave or absence are settled in a single click via the Combo mobile app, and everyone can communicate via online messaging.

Solution 3 - Become the #1 online restaurant with MalouApp 🚀

90% of customers who walk through your door have found you online. With sporting events, this phenomenon is exacerbated: tourists prepare their trip in advance on the Internet, then google to find a restaurant on site.

It is therefore imperative for a restaurateur 1/ to appear at the top of search results 2/ to take care of his image.

For this, MalouApp is extremely effective: presence management, local referencing, e-reputation, social mediaeverything you need to be at the top of the podium.

Solution 4 - Centralize payments with Lightspeed ⚡

Gone are daddy's cash registers. Today, modern sales software like Lightspeed lets you manage all payments from a centralized system 🎯.

Ideal for reducing waiting times in summer, when customers are numerous and in a hurry. Bonus: advanced features for your strategy, such as inventory management and sales analysis.

Solution 5 - Depot inventory with Fullsoon 🗒️

If there's one thing that worries restaurateurs, it's the unpredictability of sporting events. How many customers can we expect? How do you respond to this increase? Without compromising service quality? 🤔

Here, inventory management is crucial. To avoid food waste, stock-outs and financial losses, the Fullsoon solution lets you anticipate sales up to two weeks in advance! It also enables restaurateurs to optimize their stock management and place automated orders according to their needs.

The result? In less than two years, 1,500 sales outlets have cut their losses by almost 1/3, gained up to 6 margin points on their material costs and reduced the time spent on inventories and orders by 20 hours ✨.

Solution 6 - Recruiting pearls with Extra Cadabra 🪄

Need a helping hand? Extracadabra is an excellent solution for temporarily reinforcing your teams to cope with temporary peaks in activity.

CDI, extras, freelancers, the recruitment platform allows you to quickly find extra waiters or interim chefs, even during the busiest periods. For the Olympics, don't forget to favor multilingual recruitment!

Solution 7 - Delivering with Deliverect 🚲

Between the needs of foreign tourists (eating out, on the go, having food delivered to the hotel...) and the difficulties Parisians will face in getting around, delivery is likely to explode.

To improve it (or set it up), we recommend Deliverect, a centralized delivery solution that lets you efficiently process all orders from different platforms. So, by simplifying your delivery process, you increase your sales while guaranteeing customer satisfaction 🤗.

Solution 8 - Speaking English with ChatGPT 🗣️

Not fluent in Shakespeare 🤓? Don't panic: head to ChatGPT to translate your menus. An example of a good "prompt" (the question you'll ask ChatGPT):

"Can you translate this French-language restaurant menu into English?[copy your menu here]"

You can also specify the desired style by adding "in a humorous tone" or "in a sustained language".

The advantage of French cuisine? Not all terms need to be translated! Keep the technical words for the French touch, but remember to translate important information (allergens, gluten, vegan, etc.).

Solution 9 - Implement click & collect with Clickeat 👆

The star of the covid period, click & collect has definitely become part of French habits. During the tourist season, it allows visitors to picnic, eat on the go or stroll through the streets of Paris.

To implement it in your establishment, we recommend Clickeat, a commission-free software application accessible from your website, your social media and your Google listing (Google My Business). A final (and significant) advantage: because the solution allows customers to take their time when choosing their menu, Clickeat experts have observed a 20% increase in the average basket when ordering via click and collect. Go for it! 🚀

💡 So? What did you think of this selection of solutions? Good luck and have a great Olympic season 💪

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