Digital Marketing

Gaining market share through digital marketing: the case of Fiji Water

Fiji has established itself as a premium lifestyle water. Here's a look back at the reasons behind this success, which is due in no small part to the company's Influencer Marketing strategy.

Gaining market share through digital marketing: the case of Fiji Water
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Launched in 1988 by David Gilmour, a businessman with long experience in the hotel industry, Fiji quickly established itself in several countries as the lifestyle and premium water. To achieve this, Fiji was quick to place influencers at the heart of its communications strategy.

Thanks to its controlled distribution strategy, initially in luxury hotels, its packaging, pricing and meticulous communication (partnerships with influencers, product placement with stars), Fiji has rapidly positioned itself as a high-end water.

Fiji Water regularly works with influencers from different verticals (Fitness, Fashion, Food, Travel etc.) and audience sizes to attract new customers and keep them by creating brand preference.

Ensure a successful brand launch in Australia with the right influencers

Key Learnings :

  • Fiji successfully launched its brand by associating itself with sporting events relayed by influencers from several verticals (sport, yoga, wellness, etc.).
  • Competitions (here to win tickets for the national Beach Volleyball championship) help generate engagement
  • After the campaign, continuing product placements with local influencers helps maintain the notoriety acquired.

Campaign results :

  • Creation of a Facebook page and acquisition of 20,000 fans in 18 months
  • Creation of Instagram page and contest launches: 13,000 participants
  • 1.2 million people affected
  • 3 million impressions
  • 740,000 in media value created

The objectives of the Australia campaign :

  • Building brand awareness
  • Positioning yourself as a lifestyle brand
  • Gaining market share

The campaign:

Fiji Water collaborated with influencers who were little-known at the time , but had a strong local following and a promising track record (good engagement rates, growing audience...). The brand worked with yoga teacher Charlotte Dodson and photographer Jewelszee to include the flowery water bottle in their daily lives.

Fiji also sponsored the national Beach Volleyball championships and used influencers to publicize its competition to win tickets.

Examples of publications:

Building brand awareness and preference through influencer marketing in the United States

Key Learnings :

  • Thanks to content detached from the product (water) but linked to consumption occasions (sports, outings, restaurants), Fiji has succeeded in creating and reinforcing its premium brand image.
  • Fiji has joined forces with women's sports routines to generate brand preference.
  • The qualitative visual content (images and videos), created and distributed by the influencers, has created a lasting bond between Fiji Water and its target audience (young, active women with a high social status).
  • Fiji's influential marketing strategy is paying off: in 2015, the brand held a 2.8% share of the bottled water market in the United States, rising to 3.7% in 2017 in a market that has also gained 16% in value over the past two years (Source Statista).

US campaign results :

  • In 18 hours 1189 likes were received by the 1st photo of Danielle Bernstein with the Fiji water bottle.
  • Launch video reaches nearly 120,000 views


  • Positioning ourselves as the lifestyle water for active, CSP+ women
  • Create brand preference and federate a community
  • Increase sales

The campaign:

Fiji Waters collaborated with fashion and lifestyle influencer Danielle Berstein behind the blog and Instagram account @Weworewhat - 1.7 million subscribers - as well as with sports coach Eric Johnson of Sons of Strenght.

The aim is to create an easy-to-keep sports routine for busy women who don't have the time.

With its two muses, the brand launched an 8-video, 8-minute fitness program (Bodyworewhat). Access to the program was priced at $35, and a 25% discount was offered on all Fiji Water orders.

A dedicated website was created to build a community around the brand.

Examples of publications:

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Louiza Hacene
Louiza Hacene
Cofounder & CEO
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