Promoting your restaurant and its eco-responsible approach: the success of Anona

Digital Marketing
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Valentine Houssin
Content and Partnership at Malou
Promoting your restaurant and its eco-responsible approach: the success of Anona

More and more consumers are becoming aware of the environmental impact of their consumption choices, including when choosing a restaurant. To attract this clientele, it's important to highlight your approach as an eco-responsible restaurant. Anona has succeeded in setting itself apart by communicating its ecological practices, attracting a new clientele every day.

"Malou helped us meet our clientele and carve out a place for ourselves on the Parisian gastronomic scene."

Alix, communications manager, Anona restaurant
eco-responsible restaurant anona malou malouapp

Sustainability and environmental responsibility are becoming major concerns for French consumers. More and more people are looking to adopt responsible behaviors and support businesses that share these values. In the restaurant sector, this translates into a growing demand for an eco-responsible restaurant that offers sustainable, environmentally-friendly menu options, as well as ethical management practices. Adopting these practices not only helps to meet consumer expectations, it also sets the company apart from the competition and enhances its brand image.

But if you don't communicate your eco-friendly commitments, you run the risk of never attracting those consumers who are sensitive to your values. And miss out on many new customers.

So how do you make a name for yourself in their eyes? This was the challenge faced by Anona, the eco-responsible gourmet restaurant and Michelin Green Star run by chef Thibaut Spiwack, a Top Chef 2022 candidate. To meet this challenge, the team called on Malou! And they're very pleased! Just listen to Alix, the restaurant's communications manager, to understand why 👇

Watch the testimonial!

1. Challenge before Malou: Need to attract a clientele that shares the same values, for lunch and dinner, to guarantee the sustainability of the eco-responsible restaurant.

1.a Difficulty in standing out from the strong competition in Paris

Alix, communications manager at Anona, maintains that the Paris restaurant market is highly competitive. There are many restaurants offering a wide variety of cuisines and styles. Restaurateurs face stiff competition to attract customers, who are spoilt for choice by the many options available. The key is to differentiate your restaurant, whether through unique cuisine, an original setting or an eco-friendly approach.

Anona's eco-friendly restaurant has what it takes to stand out from the crowd. The challenge is to bring them to light, in order to raise awareness and reach out to both local and wider clientele, in line with the restaurant's values. To make a real mark on the Parisian gastronomic scene. 

1.b Substantial costs as an eco-friendly restaurant

For restaurants, adopting eco-responsible practices can entail additional costs. Using local, organic or seasonal produce can be more expensive than using conventional products. Sorting waste, reducing packaging and installing more energy-efficient equipment also represent a financial investment. But this eco-responsible approach pays off in the long term: it attracts environmentally conscious customers, builds loyalty among regular customers, and reduces costs in the long term.

eco-responsible restaurant challenges malouapp malou anona

Serving refined gourmet cuisine on a daily basis with impeccable service, while adopting an ethical approach to product selection, preparation and employee well-being, requires a large team at Anona and a certain cost. To continue delighting customers for a long time to come, with the same convictions, the restaurant needs to fill up at lunchtime and in the evenings.

1.c Lack of time to define and follow an effective strategy

Today, getting your online restaurant off the ground and attracting new customers takes time and marketing expertise. Alix, Anona's communications manager, has this expertise, but her real challenge is to build a more effective strategy to achieve the restaurant's objective: to guarantee its long-term future by attracting local and wider customers who appreciate Anona's approach.

To meet these challenges, Anona chose Malou to develop and execute an effective communication strategy, without wasting time!

communication eco-responsible restaurant anona malou

2. Action: Malou helps the Anona restaurant make a name for itself in the eyes of a targeted clientele thanks to a SEO, e-reputation and marketing strategy. social media 

2.a. Optimized referencing to appear at the top of search results for a wide range of like-minded customers

Consistent information in just 1 click! No need to go back and forth between Anona's various directories to update information in real time. Online consistency down to the comma and the minute is essential for both the Google algorithm and web user conversion. Every time there's an exceptional change of schedule, vacation closures, public holidays, new à la carte products, etc., Alix enters this information into the Malou solution. With a single click, changes are automatically updated on Google, Tripadvisor, Facebook, TheFork, Yellow Pages, Zenchef and many others: wherever Anona exists.

attract customers restaurant malou anona eco responsible

A turnkey keyword strategy! Just a few minutes after filling in a questionnaire about the restaurant's cuisine, environment, geography, target customers, etc., the Malou solution generates a list of strategic keywords for Anona, along with their respective search volumes, the restaurant's direct position on Google Maps and the identity of better-positioned competitors. Alix uses these keywords to good effect in responses to customer reviews, descriptions and Google posts. How do we do it? The Malou algorithm guides her as she writes. A gauge indicates the score of her content according to the keywords incorporated.

A page fed without thinking about it! From the MalouApp, Anona's posts are created and planned in advance. The team uploads images, resizes them before publishing or scheduling them, and the solution automatically renames photos with keywords: all from one place!

2.b Careful e-reputation to promote a positive image of the restaurant and convert Internet users

Centralized reviews to improve Anona's SEO! With the centralization of its Google, Tripadvisor and Facebook reviews on a single page, there are no more excuses for failing to respond! What's more, using the Malou solution, Alix creates and saves response templates according to different scenarios, and automates the sending of personalized responses. All from the MalouApp!

answer customer reviews google anona malou

More conversions thanks to private messages! The MalouApp centralizes all Anona's private messages received on Instagram, Facebook and Google in a single space (the 1st solution to bring these three channels together to save time!) To reply to these messages, Alix does it in 2 little clicks ! With templates, as well as pre-saved links redirecting to often-requested information - such as menu, phone, schedule, etc. - available in the reply area!

2.c A social media strategy to maximize the restaurant's reputation 

To feed social media, you need to find inspiration on a daily basis, create content, publish it at the right time... all time-consuming tasks.

Daily inspiration for the Anona restaurant concept! Using the Malou solution, Alix keeps an eye on engaging publications from competitor/inspirational accounts. This section enables her to come up with new ideas, track trends on social mediaand find out which types of content work best. And from the home page, the team follows the year's marketing calendar, to communicate on dates relevant to the Anona concept. 

inspiration malouapp malou anona

From inspiration to regular publication! Once the inspiration has been found, it's time to create the content and share it. To ensure quality content, Anona calls on the services of a professional photographer. Beautiful photos and videos that need to be published regularly on Instagram and Facebook. But it's hard to think about it every day! From the MalouApp, Alix schedules posts social media. A feature that allows her to look ahead to the weeks to come. Reels, photos, videos, carousels... it's all done from the same solution!

3. Results: Restaurant Anona takes its place on the Parisian gastronomic scene!

"Some people find us because they're looking for a committed, eco-friendly restaurant."

Alix, Anona communications manager

The rate of Anona's appearances in indirect searches is improving every month, with an increase of 20.4% since last month, for example. Appearing on indirect searches is explained by online consistency, keyword work and a positive reputation.

referencing e reputation google instagram malou anona

With Malou's help, the restaurant is filling up more and more with local customers. Anona already had a strong reputation, thanks in particular to the image of the chef-candidate on the TV show Top Chef, but to fill up a restaurant every day of the year, you have to succeed in attracting a local clientele.

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