A winning restaurant concept and successful communication: the success of Cali Sisters

Digital Marketing
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Valentine Houssin
Content and Partnership at Malou
A winning restaurant concept and successful communication: the success of Cali Sisters

"Everyday life is much simpler", and "we can focus on the part of the job that adds the most value".Capucine and Juliette, the two sisters behind Cali Sisters and Cali Uptown, soon felt the need for help with communication. The opening of their first Californian restaurant concept was a great success. But how do you simultaneously manage a new destination with a capacity of 100 covers and effective day-to-day communication? Capucine explains the decisions taken, resulting in "a huge time-saver for us".

cali sisters california paris malou concept restaurant

Running a restaurant requires a lot of work and attention. You have to manage stock, the kitchen, the menu, the employees, customer service, the cash register, the furniture, the crockery, the suppliers... And then there's communication, which is essential these days! So how do you find the time to concentrate on marketing your restaurant concept? Can you wear the hat of restaurateur and communications expert at the same time? How do you manage your own communications, without putting aside value-added tasks with your customers? The concept, the crack team, the stunning location, the original and delicious dishes: Capucine and Juliette have it all. Cali Sisters and its little sister, Cali Uptown, were born of a shared passion for California and a desire to bring its good vibes to the French. A restaurant concept that draws in the crowds! But success lasts as long as you communicate it well.

testimonial restaurant concept cali sisters malou

Watch Capucine's testimonial!

Avant Malou: a unique restaurant concept, both in terms of food and décor, but with little in the way of communication

Mission accomplished for Capucine and Juliette, who bring California to Paris, as promised. But to make their restaurant concept last, communication is essential.

  • Decorated in the colors of California

California vibes that you feel as soon as you step through the door. Palm trees, sandy colors, drooping plants, cacti, bohemian furnishings, skylights and bay windows, places bathed in light and warmth. A real feeling of leaving Paris behind.

californian restaurant malou concept cali sisters

Like many establishments in California, Cali Sisters and Cali Uptown naturally transform throughout the day, becoming living spaces that change with the hours. From breakfast, to brunch, to lunch, to aperitifs, to dinner: you'll feel right at home at any time. The promise of a Californian-style restaurant concept, delivered by the two sisters, right down to the last detail.

  • A menu bursting with sunshine

Beyond the decor, each recipe echoes Californian culture for a sensory as well as gustatory experience. At The Cali Sisters, you won't find pureed sausage, but pulled pork tacos, wild pancakes, roasted sweet potatoes, cheesecake... Generous, gourmet and healthy plates, in the image of the West Coast. All served by an English-speaking team for a guaranteed return trip to California!

cali sisters malou

A Californian restaurant that shakes up the French restaurant scene. The restaurant's concept has been a success from the outset, and press articles have been pouring in. A success that needs to be maintained over the long term.

  • Little time to devote to communication

"We were wasting a lot of time on this communication management". "We were trying to manage it left and right, doing Insta, but without really knowing where we were going".A restaurant on its own already takes up a lot of time, even more so when it first opens. Juliette and Capucine's days are quickly taken up by the operational management of 2 establishments. It's hard for the founders to concentrate on digital communications. Marketing actions require regularity if they are to bear fruit. Boosting online visibility requires knowledge of local referencing, and becoming attractive on networks requires content creation and daily monitoring of trends. Capucine and Juliette don't have the time to do this...but they don't want to completely outsource communication. Because this restaurant concept is born of a passion and a history that only they can pass on. So how do they manage to keep control of the Cali Sisters restaurants' digital shop window, and still manage to "focus on the business part"? "focus on the part of the job that adds the most value"?

Avec Malou: the digital showcase of the Californian restaurant concept on the Internet

The rate of Cali Sisters appearances in indirect searches has increased by a factor of 9.5 over the last 3 months. Appearing on indirect searches is explained by online consistency, keyword work and a positive e-reputation.

  • Consistent information in just 1 click

"We change a schedule or a piece of info on Malou and it pours out onto all our platforms." No need to make numerous return trips between the various directories where Cali Sisters exist to update their information in real time. Online consistency down to the comma and the minute is essential, both for the Google algorithm and for conversion.

malou digital solution

Every time there's a change in schedule, a vacation closure, a new à la carte menu, etc., Capucine enters this information into the Malou solution. With a single click, changes are automatically updated on Google, Tripadvisor, Facebook, TheFork, Yellow Pages, Zenchef and many others: wherever The Cali Sisters appears.To find out where to list your restaurant online, download our list of the 14 most relevant directories!

  • A turnkey keyword strategy

In 1st position on Google for the keywords "restaurant californien", "restaurant californien paris", "restaurant brunch original", 2nd for "brunch bourse", "nouveau restaurant brunch", The Cali Sisters concept is now well visible online. Keywords both specific to the restaurant's location and its identity. Allowing us to reach a wider variety of customers. How did Capucine and Juliette find the time to focus on their local SEO?

malou cali sisters restaurant concept paris

They've even earned some! Within minutes of filling in a questionnaire about their cuisine, environment, geography, target customers... the Malou solution generates for the Cali Sisters a list of strategic keywords with their respective search volumes, the restaurant's direct position on Google Maps for each keyword, and the identity of better-positioned competitors. Capucine uses these keywords to good effect in responses to customer reviews, descriptions and GMB posts. How do we do it? Malou's algorithm guides her as she writes. A gauge indicates the score of her content according to the keywords incorporated.

  • Centralized reviews to improve referencing of the Cali Sisters restaurant concept

160 reviews received in the last 3 months, 160 answered for Cali Sisters. "We centralize all responses to reviews".. With the centralization of her Google, Tripadvisor and Facebook reviews on a single page, there are no more excuses for failing to respond! What's more, using the Malou solution, Capucine creates and saves her response templates according to different scenarios.

customer review restaurant cali sisters concept malou

Responding to reviews allows Cali Sisters to improve their local SEO, build customer loyalty and convert new ones. Achieve results like these without wasting time!

With Malou: a presence on social media worthy of the Cali Sisters locations

Cali Sisters and Cali Uptown: a restaurant concept imported straight from California, Instagrammable from room to plate. But to feed social media, you need to find inspiration on a daily basis, create content, publish it at the right time... These are time-consuming tasks. Yet for Capucine "daily life is much simpler".

  • Daily inspiration to enhance the Californian restaurant concept

+1.7M impressions garnered on The Cali Sisters' posts over the last 3 months. Capucine and Juliette regularly publish engaging content. But how do they manage to keep finding inspiration to renew their content? Using the Malou solution, they keep an eye on engaging posts from competitor/inspiring accounts. This section enables them to come up with new ideas, track trends on social media and find out which types of content work best. What's more, from their home page, Capucine and Juliette follow the year's marketing calendar, to communicate on dates relevant to their restaurants' concept. They took advantage of Blue Monday to invite subscribers to seek comfort in the deliciousness of their plates.

instagram cali sisters malou

To download the 2022 restaurant marketing calendar, go HERE !

  • From inspiration to regular content publication

Once the inspiration has been found, it's time to create the content and share it. To ensure quality content, Cali Sisters calls on a professional photographer! Beautiful photos and videos that need to be posted regularly on Instagram and Facebook. But for restaurateurs like Capucine and Juliette, it's hard to think about this every day when there are so many other tasks to take care of.

cali sisters malou paris

From Malou, the founders schedule posts social media. A feature that allows them to anticipate the weeks to come. Photos, videos, carousels... everything is done from the same solution!"A huge time-saver" for the founders of Cali Sisters, who use the Malou solution that Capucine defines in 3 words: "Smart, Simple, Fast".

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