Digital Marketing

Appear in the top 3 on Google Maps to attract customers: Bask San Francisco

To attract more customers, there's nothing like SEO. Find out how Bask did it!

Appear in the top 3 on Google Maps to attract customers: Bask San Francisco
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Good local SEO is essential to attract customers to your establishment: you need to appear in the top 3 suggestions on Google Maps. We did this for Bask - a tapas restaurant in San Francisco - and it worked out quite well.

83% of Americans use their cell phones to search for a restaurant. The challenge is toappear in the first search results to attract all potential prospects to your establishment. That's what we've done for Bask.

Bask is an excellent Franco-Spanish restaurant based in San Francisco. Founded by two couples of French friends, the establishment serves Basque specialties and tapas, and already has a regular clientele of individuals and professionals, but could generate even more sales. That's why Patrick, the manager, turned to us.

The conclusion: By the end of the summer, Bask was invisible on Google

The queries that the most promising customers search for on Google are : "tapas and "tapas restaurant. However, when a web surfer in the vicinity of Bask searched for "Tapas" or "Tapas restaurant" , he or she found Bask's competitors and naturally visited their establishments.

Here's what came up on search engines near San Francisco:

There was no mention of Bask in the first Google results, and the same was true for the queries "best tapas" "tapas sf" "tapas San Francisco", so the restaurant had very little chance of attracting customers online.

SEO optimizations to improve your site's visibility

First, we identified strategic keywords - those that prospects would search for in order to find an establishment similar to Bask, and which had a good balance between search volume and Google competition. We then drew up an optimized description of the establishment, cleverly including them so as to be better referenced on the relevant queries. We completed the establishment's listing with all the attributes relevant to the key queries, added photos and named them appropriately, enriched the Google + account, and also shared regular publications on the restaurant's news.

We also responded to all customer comments by regularly inserting key words in our answers.

After a month of optimizations : Bask appears in the top 3 results

Today, when Internet users in San Francisco search for a place to eat tapas, they find Bask on the first results list:

Bask also appeared in the top 3 for the keywords "best tapas" and "tapas sf" searched for in the geographical vicinity of San Francisco.

Increased visits to the site and more customers gained online

The optimizations we carried out worked to make Bask appear in the top 3 of strategic tapas-related results in San Francisco, and the number of views of the establishment on Google still confirms this. In 1 month, Bask gained nearly 57,000 views almost exclusively on Maps. Being visible on Maps means being visible to prospects in the vicinity of the restaurant, and therefore more likely to visit and become customers.

In just one month, Bask gained nearly 80 additional direct customers, plus those who didn't need to ask for directions to the restaurant.

Prior to our optimizations, almost 32% of visitors came to the Bask page by directly typing in the restaurant's name - i.e. they already knew it or were already customers - and 68% discovered it by searching for a similar establishment. After one month, over 2,000 more people had discovered Bask thanks to its natural referencing, and the proportion of these potential new customers reached had risen to 80.5%.

As a result, Bask's restaurant listing appeared more prominently on the screens of prospects who were used to seeing only its competitors in their search results. Now, Bask is right in front of their eyes: they're more likely to come and try it, and then return once they've tasted its grilled octopus, sautéed calamari or croquetas...

And if you're ever in San Francisco, don't forget to book here - you won't regret it!

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Louiza Hacene
Louiza Hacene
Cofounder & CEO
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