Convert more customers to your restaurant with Instagram, Facebook and Google private messages

Digital Marketing
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Valentine Houssin
Content and Partnership at Malou
Convert more customers to your restaurant with Instagram, Facebook and Google private messages
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In addition to the phone, customers can now contact restaurateurs via private messages on Instagram, Facebook and Google. A customer who asks a question via private message is about to make his or her choice. To make sure they don't miss out on any opportunities, restaurateurs need to respond to everyone, and quickly.

google messages malou manzili

1560: the number of private messages received on social media in the month of the opening of Manziliin June 2021, the restaurant of the winner of Top Chef 2021. The Malou team, in charge of communications, has responded to all these messages, manually, to help convert them into customers.Before, customers would phone to make a reservation or ask a question. Today, they ask directly online via instant messaging. Requests arrive on Instagram, Facebook and Google all at once. How can we respond to them all, quickly and without missing any opportunities? Because without an answer, the customer will choose another restaurant. Malou is here to help you manage your private messages (PMs) on a daily basis. Why and how?

google mailbox

4 steps to activate your Google messaging

1. Why respond to customer messages very quickly, on every interface where they talk to you (Instagram, Facebook, Google)?

A. Convert customers who are already halfway there

All you have to do is put yourself in the surfer's shoes. You're looking to go to a restaurant, but you want to know if there's a terrace, if there's a vegan option, if the kitchens are closing soon, if there's handicapped access, if there are steps... Decisive elements for the customer, and therefore answers that need to be provided as quickly as possible to avoid losing them. The quickest way for customers to get information is through instant messaging: available on InstagramFacebook and Google. In fact, if a web surfer finds your Google page in his search results, and it corresponds to what he's looking for, but he needs 1-2 more pieces of information, he'll try to contact you. So you need to start by activating the instant messaging feature to make it easier for them to make a decision.

malou google messages

A customer asking a specific question is thus at the last stage of conversion. All they need is a few more details, and they'll be on their way to you. Not answering them would be a missed opportunity to convert them into a new customer!Through these discussion forums, you'll also be activating a new point of contact with your customer. Exchanging with them on a personal, one-to-one basis raises their awareness and increases the chances that they'll come back.

B. Gain online visibility

Instagram and Facebook value your page on one main element: the engagement of your community. If your followers interact with you, like your posts, comment, etc., the algorithms consider you a good page and lift you up in the eyes of Internet users. Private messages have proven to be the most engaging way to interact on social media , so they're viewed very positively by the algorithms!Similarly for Google, activating a new Google feature shows the algorithm that you're playing the game. You're looking to make your customers' experience easier, so you'll earn the algorithm's trust. Considering your establishment as active and reliable, it will naturally move you up in the search results. Using instant messages and responding to all interactions will therefore convert future customers, and boost your SEO on Google, Instagram and Facebook. But you get a lot of questions, many times the same, on 3 different channels. And staying connected to your computer at all times to answer them instantly is proving complicated, if not impossible. So what can you do? How can you stop worrying about PMs without abandoning them?

2. How to respond effectively and use private messages via Instagram, Facebook and Google to gain more customers?

A. Malou centralizes all your Instagram, Facebook and Google private messages in one place.

What if you could access all private messages received via your Google, Instagram and Facebook pages on a single page? We've integrated all the messaging channels a restaurant owner needs into our solution, which is the first to bring these three channels together to save time! In addition to centralizing interactions, comments and customer reviews received on all platforms. From this page, you can filter your incoming messages according to channel, customer...

malou google my business answers

You can also activate the Google message functionality directly from the Malou solution.Now that you've got all your messages in one place, it's time to reply...

B. Malou helps you answer them in 2 clicks

Answering them has never been so quick! Thanks to the many shortcuts available, you can reply in as little as 2 clicks! With answer templates, as well as pre-saved links redirecting to frequently requested information - such as menu, phone, schedule, etc. - available in the answer zone, you'll be able to respond instantly! Especially for recurring questions!

google messages malou

3. Result: fewer customers in doubt, more customers converted

When you respond to all your customer reviews, you're bound to come out a winner: you convert web users ready to come to you by relieving their doubts, and you reflect a positive image with the algorithms, which boosts your position in the search results. And with Malou, you add the benefit of real time savings. So you get more customers, without wasting time!

We double our efforts to satisfy you

Increase your visibility on Google and social media with Malou.