7 Ideas for Instagram Stories: how to integrate them into your restaurant's digital communication?

Digital Marketing
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Valentine Houssin
Content and Partnership at Malou
7 Ideas for Instagram Stories: how to integrate them into your restaurant's digital communication?
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More than 500 million users consult or publish Instagram stories every day. Stories are proving to be a vital way of connecting with followers, sharing authentic moments and building loyalty. A great opportunity for restaurateurs.

Why use the stories format at all? What to share on Instagram stories? And how do you find the time to publish them daily? 

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With an ephemeral character, this format takes the form of short videos of up to 60 seconds or photos, visible 24 hours by Internet users. You can then place them in Headline Stories. They then become perennial and an excellent way to showcase your restaurant's behind-the-scenes, customer feedback and news. Today, all social media have integrated the stories format: Snapchat and Instagram to start with, then Facebook, Linkedin and even Whatsapp or Spotify.

So there's no longer any doubt that Instagram stories are now an integral part of French people's daily lives. And that means significant opportunities for companies, who can use them as privileged points of contact with their targets. But how can they be integrated into a restaurant's communication strategy? And how can you find the time to publish stories on a daily basis? When you're busy or just don't think about it?

front page stories instagram malou

1. The Stories trend

Success figures

70% of Instagram users consume stories every day. And this number is only increasing. Story consumption is growing 15 times than the classic formats developed on Instagram. And Instagram continues to promote this format with the introduction of new features on a regular basis.

So companies have every interest in taking advantage of the phenomenon and integrating them into their communication strategies. That's right, 49% of GenZ consumers use stories to find their products/services. But how do we explain the success of this format?

Instagram stories, a success similar to that of video

This growing success echoes that of the video format. Indeed, for some years now, video has been the flagship format for social media , with the majority of companies producing videos specifically for them. For proof of this, we need only look at the evolution of Instagram and TikTok, which are almost entirely devoted to video.But the explanation for the success of stories doesn't stop there. They respond to a consumer demand for authenticity, proximity and spontaneity.

Freedom, authenticity, proximity, spontaneity: the keys to the success of Instagram stories

Stories are a response to the changing relationship between companies and consumers. The latter are increasingly rejecting the classic advertising model, considered too intrusive.

  • Internet users regain power, to the benefit of companies

The main advantage of the Instagram Stories format lies in the way the user approaches them. Even though stories are strongly promoted by Instagram (at the top of the page), the user decides whether or not to consume them. Stories have thus strongly transformed the behavior of social platform users, giving them back a certain amount of power.

  • Increased interaction between companies and consumers

Stories have also helped strengthen the bond between consumers and the businesses that publish content on social media. Many features have been added by Instagram to facilitate interactions between authors and readers. Polls, questions/answers, satisfaction bars... these are just some of the ways in which companies can interact with their communities, and diversify the ways in which they address them. Their account feeds, always so important, don't have the same tone as stories, which are often more direct and authentic, creating a close relationship with users.

  • An authentic format that encourages proximity

Stories can also be used to showcase live events. Short videos or photos taken on the spot bear witness to the moment for the community. As they are ephemeral, there's no need to worry about the post being perfect, as it will eventually disappear. For businesses, these moments of life captured and shared with their community create a sense of closeness. Instagram stories give you the feeling of being part of the company's day-to-day life and access to the brand's backstage. It's an opportunity for you to tell the restaurant's story and reinforce your storytelling. To do this, you need to show what goes on behind the scenes in the kitchens, the arrival of products, the preparation of the dining room, team moments... Finally, using the Instagram Stories feature provided by the platform shows it that you're "playing the game". The Instagram algorithm will therefore value your restaurant's page, and your content will gain in visibility.But what to tell within your Instagram stories? What best practices should you follow? Here are 7 examples that you can reproduce for your restaurant's digital communications!

2. 7 examples of Instagram stories for your restaurant

Not sure what to share in Instagram stories, other than videos/photos of services? We give you ideas and examples for creating stories that will engage your community!

1) Valuing your teams

Stories: the perfect way to show subscribers the atmosphere inside your restaurant. And for that, what better ambassadors than the people who work there every day? Introduce your community to the people who will welcome them. You can draw their portrait, talk about their favorite dish/drink, film them in action at the restaurant, highlight team moments...

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Dalia and Jolia, from the Dalia Group, take care to present once a week in stories a member of their team, according to their favorite sin, where they come from... Then kept in stories on La Une. The portraits of their smiling, young, dynamic teams make you want to go to the restaurants for their warm, friendly atmosphere.

2 - Backstage at the restaurant

Stories also allow you to show what customers don't see of your restaurant when they come in. You can have fun showing them what goes on behind the scenes: are you in the habit of cranking up the music and singing at the top of your lungs while cleaning up after the customers have left? Now's the time to show them! They'll be delighted to see that your restaurant is a great place to be, even when the doors close. You can also highlight the work you put into welcoming them: product discovery, recipes, decoration... Show your creativity and authenticity!

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Our Brique House customers regularly show us how their beers are made, and the steps behind each bottle. This showcases the group's know-how, and demonstrates the unique character of their products. For their part, Cali Sisters share team moments: celebrations, backstage photo shoots... or visits to suppliers for the Saint Sébastien restaurant.

3 - Promote your subscribers and create communities with stories

Restaurant customers very regularly post stories in which they tag the establishment's Instagram account. This content is invaluable for you, as it shows your customers that they appreciate what you have to offer. So don't hesitate to share these stories!

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This is what Dehli Bazaar and BOBBY do so well, byregularly sharingcontent published by their customers. In its restaurant, Brasserie Rosie has set up an "incentive": tablecloths inviting customers to draw on them. A perfect element to invite them to share their masterpieces in an Instagram story.

malou malouapp instagram stories
4 - Share your know-how or that of your partners

You have know-how that you shouldn't hesitate to showcase. Stories allow you to captivate your community, who will be delighted to learn how your dishes are prepared, or where you source your products. Your loyal customers will understand your little secrets, while your uninitiated subscribers will find their mouths watering, and won't hesitate to walk through your door.

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Our customers Orgueil and Bonhomme have highlighted the provenance of their products in a fixed story called "Producers". This horizontal, immersive format transports the user to the producers' side. Reassuring for customers or future customers, this format also teaches them many things. It also showcases the producers behind the dishes served in the restaurant.

5 - Ask your community for their opinion

The survey tool in the Instagram stories features, allows restaurateurs to ask their customers for their opinion on a product, the addition of a recipe to their menu...Through the survey, you really put the opinion of your guests back at the center of your concerns and your desire to do right by them. The opinions gathered can also help you improve your future strategies, and shed light on any shortcomings in your offer that you hadn't noticed. It's also an opportunity to give your prospects a voice before they try their culinary experience with you. Interactive, fun and conversational (question/answer principle), surveys are one of the best ways to get in touch with your subscribers.

gain subscribers instagram malou

Quizzes are also an excellent way of interacting with your community in a fun way. You can ask your subscribers questions and suggest several answers, one of which you deem to be the "right answer". In this example, Dehli Bazaar has fun testing its subscribers on their knowledge of Indian spices, the basis of their dishes. While these answers may not be of any particular interest to readers about the restaurant, they do amuse users, and measure their engagement.

6- Share your news and generate leads

You can also share an event in your story and see if it generates interest among your community. You can insert a sticker so that your community can respond directly to your invitation, and insert the booking link directly to your community from Instagram!

reservation restaurant malou
7 - Present your exclusivities and pass on information

Last but not least, stories are the ideal place to present your new or exclusive products to your community. So don't hesitate to present your dishes, desserts or drinks of the day or of the moment. But also pass on or remind people of practical information about your restaurant: opening hours, special closures, your vegetarian offers, the existence of a temporary terrace...

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These stories will help you convert more than one foodie into a customer du jour.

3. Successfully publish your Instagram stories even when you're swamped thanks to Malou

Because stories on Instagram: you have to post them live, at a time of day when you rarely have time to take content, add text or a sticker, and publish them as stories.

Yet it's THE way to engage your audience on Instagram, and thus gain visibility, but also to share spontaneous content, remind your community of your schedules, and keep them wanting to come. THEN, we've found the solution for you.

Don't worry about publishing your Instagram stories! We've created a way for you to schedule your stories in advance and publish them at the right times, even when you're swamped! We'll show you how easy it is to schedule your Instagram stories from the MalouApp:

malouapp malou program stories instagram restaurant

Conclusion: stories, an indispensable communication tool that complements your account posts

Stories therefore promote content linked to the present moment, to everyday life, content close to the intimate, the exclusive. They enable you to create a strong bond with your subscribers, who consume them in large numbers. But don't overlook the importance of your account. The posts you publish should not be neglected in favor of stories. They evenneed to be worked on with great precision, because all the publications you share are a reflection of your restaurant's identity.Stories have therefore quickly become indispensable to modern, trendy, interactive and impactful digital communication, but they haven't swept aside content published in the form of posts.

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