The 2025 marketing calendar: all the food dates for restaurant owners

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Sarah Schnebert
Content & SEO manager
The 2025 marketing calendar: all the food dates for restaurant owners

Are you a restaurant owner? Impossible to miss the social networks to guarantee the success of your establishment. You still have to have time and find of good post ideas... Good news: Malou offers you its new 2025 digital marketing calendar 📅

👉 Here are all the dates to anticipate for 2025 and content ideas to stand out!

Why use a marketing calendar for your restaurant?

We don't teach you anything: In catering, it's all about the season.

The dates And big Appointment of the year pace everything: your openings, your menu, your communication, your turnover...

💡 A marketing calendar is the communication weapon for successful restaurants! Exit inspiration failures, you anticipate the seasons and plan all your content and all your initiatives in advance.

A great way to attract customers, get people talking about you and improve your margins is to offer more experiments in connection with dates: exclusive menus, competitions, collaborations, etc.

👉 For example:

The 2025 marketing calendar: dates to anticipate for restaurant owners

👉 Find in this Food calendar :

  • Les Unmissable dates Of the year 2025
  • Les theme days in France and all over the world
  • Les flagship sporting events
  • The periods of vacations
💡 Identify dates that are in line with your restaurant concept.


  • Pizza day if you are an Italian restaurant;
  • The World Cup if you are a pub;
  • Grandmothers' Day if you are a brasserie with recipes from yesteryear;
  • Environment Day if you are an ecological or vegan restaurant;
  • Your birthday: the date ofopening your restaurant.

Finally, consider creating “frozen stories” (highlights) for each event on your Instagram page.

January 2025

📅 Focus on New Year's Day

In restoration, The holiday season (November to January) is one of the most important times for make numbers and be profitable.

If Christmas is mostly celebrated behind closed doors, The new year is often an opportunity to offer:

  • Of New Year's Eve dinners ;
  • Of Aperitifs and events New Year's Eve (concerts, festivities, “countdown”);
  • Of brunches of January 1 (party or detox).

January 6: Epiphany - King cake

January 6: Back to school - End of vacation

January 8: Start of winter sales 2025

January 9: World Corsica Day

January 11: World “Thank You” Day

January 14-18: World Handball Championships

January 16: World Spicy Food Day

January 17: International Italian Cuisine Day

January 18-19: Truffle Festival in Sarlat

January 19: International Popcorn Day  

January 20: Blue Monday (the most depressing day of the year)

January 21-26: Paris Fashion Week (2025 autumn/winter men's fashion)

January 21: Hug Day — Hug Day

January 21: World Snow Day

January 22: Franco-German Day

January 23: Community Managers Day

January 24: National Peanut Butter Day (in the US)

January 25-26: Feast of Saint Vincent Tournante, patron saint of winemakers

January 27: World Chocolate Cake Day

📅 Focus on Chinese New Year

January 29: Chinese New Year

January 29 marks the start of the Chinese calendar. Each year honors one of the twelve animals determined according to the moon. Why not take the opportunity to create content related to this animal (tiger, dragon, rabbit), or simply wish your subscribers a happy lunar year?

💡 La Grande Épicerie de Paris marked the occasion with a selection of starters, main courses, desserts specially for the occasion, as well as a “fortune cookie” draw to try to win gift vouchers.

January 29: Chinese New Year

January 30: National Croissant Day (US, CA, GB)

January 31: Kickoff of the Six Nations Championship (rugby)

February 2025

📅 Focus on Candlemas

February 2: Candlemas

Pancakes and pancakes, French (and Breton) specialties are in the spotlight!

Creperie or not, you can set up a pancake workshop, a special à la carte offer, a candlemas snack... The opportunity to fill in the afternoon's off-peak hours!

💡 Our advice: even if you are not a creperie, suggest a pancake or revisit the pancake in line with your concept! Ex: a taco-pancake hybrid, burger-pancake, etc. It is also an opportunity to fill your off-peak hours by offering brunch and snacks.

February 2: Six Nations Rugby Tour 1

February 3: Straw Free Day

February 4: Yorkshire Pudding Day

February 5: World Nutella Day

February 5: Grammy Awards

February 6: World No Phone Day

February 7: Lailat al Miraj

February 8-24: Zone B school vacation

February 9: National Pizza Day

February 9: Superbowl (US soccer championship final)

February 11: end of the 2025 winter sales

📅 Focus on Valentine's Day

February 14: Valentine's Day

💡 62% of French people celebrate Valentine's Day in restaurants, and 35% of them will have an average ticket between 50 and 100€! Also consider offsetting the concept with events and menus dedicated to singles.

A few years ago, the restaurant at MOB HOTEL Organized the event “Without Valentine”, especially for singles with original content designed for social networks.

February 15-March 3: School holidays in zone C and Corsica

February 15 - March 2: Nice Carnival

February 19: International Whale Day

February 20: International Canadian Heritage Day

February 21: International Mother Language Day

February 22-March 4: Venice Carnival

February 22-March 10: Zone A school vacation

February 22-March 2: Agricultural Show

February 24: International Bar Waiters' Day

February 25: Six Nations Rugby Tour 3

February 26: Fairytale Day

February 27: International Strawberry Day

February 28-March 8: Rio Carnival

February 28: First day of Ramadan 2025

March 2025

March 1: World Compliment Day

March 1: World Zero Discrimination Day

March 2: Happiness Day

March 2: Grandmothers' Day

March 3: Oscars ceremony

March 3-11: Paris Fashion Week (women's fashion autumn/winter 2025)

March 4: World Obesity Day

March 4: Mardi Gras

March 6: National Oreo Cookie Day (GB)

📅 Focus on International Women's Rights Day

March 8: International Women's Rights Day

💡Show your support with Engaged content : your teams, your chefs, your customers, your feminine inspirations, the recipes of your mothers and grandmothers... Give gifts to customers, donate part of your profits to associations, etc.

Example: the famous brand McDonalds flipped her M to form a W for “Women” in 2020.

March 8-24: Resto Days

March 17: Saint Patrick's Day

March 18: World Recycling Day

March 18: Michelin Star Ceremony

March 20: Early spring

March 20: World Macaron Day

March 20: International Meat-Free Day

March 21: World Poetry Day

March 22: World Water Day

March 24: European Artisanal Ice Cream Day

March 25: World Procrastination Day

March 25: International Waffle Day (GB)

March 27: National Cheese Day

March 27: World Theatre Day

March 29: Good Friday

March 29: Last day of Ramadan 2025

March 29: Solar eclipse

March 30: Transition to daylight saving time

March 31: Easter

Avril 2025

📅 Zoom sur le 1er Avril

1er avril : Poisson d’avril  

💡 Le moment idéal pour faire une blague à vos clients, notamment via les réseaux, pour engager votre communauté et gagner des abonnés avec un post bien pensé. Si vous êtes un restaurant à poissons, c'est votre jour !

Exemple : Big Mamma Group publiait un post pour proposer de retirer les pâtes à la truffe de son menu.

4 avril : journée internationale de la carotte

5-22 avril : Vacances scolaires de la zone B

10-12-13 avril : Marathon de Paris

9-10 avril : Aïd el-Fitr

10 avril : Journée internationale des frères et soeurs

11-20 avril : Festival Coachella

12-28 avril : vacances scolaires de la zone C et de la Corse

13-16 avril : Nouvel an Khmer, Laos, Birmanie et Laos

15 avril : Journée mondiale de l'art

17 avril : Journée mondiale du Malbec

19 avril-5 mai : Vacances scolaires de la zone A

20 avril : Journée internationale du cannabis  

20 avril : Journée mondiale de la langue chinoise

20 avril : Dimanche de Pâques  

21 avril : Lundi de Pâques (férié)

21 avril : Journée mondiale de la créativité et de l'innovation

22 avril : Journée mondiale de la Terre  

23 avril : Journée de la langue espagnole et anglaise

23 avril : Journée mondiale du livre  

24 avril : Saint Fidèle - le jour de récompenser vos clients les plus fidèles !

29 avril : Journée mondiale de la danse  

30 avril : Journée internationale du jazz

30 avril-11 mai : Foire de Paris

Mai 2025

1er mai : Fête du Travail  

2 mai : Journée des bébés

3 mai : Journée mondiale du soleil  

4 mai : Jour officiel de Star Wars (May the 4th)

4 mai : Journée internationale des pompiers

6 mai : Journée mondiale du coloriage  

7 mai :Journée internationale du rire

8 mai : Armistice - Anniversaire de la fin de la 2ème guerre mondiale (férié)

9 mai : Journée de l’Europe  

10 mai : Journée nationale des mémoires de l'esclavage

13 mai : Journée mondiale du commerce équitable

13 mai : Journée mondiale de cocktail

13 mai : Journée internationale du houmous

13-24 mai : 77ème festival de Cannes

17 mai : journée mondiale de la pâtisserie

17 mai : Journée internationale contre l’homophobie, la transphobie et la biphobie  

17 mai : Nuit des musées  

18 mai : Journée mondiale du whisky

20 mai : Journée mondiale des abeilles

21 mai : Finale de l’Europa League (football)    

21 mai : Journée mondiale du thé  

22-26 mai : Fête de la nature

23 mai : Finale Champions Cup 2024

23 mai : Journée mondiale de la tortue

24 mai : Journée du bricolage

25 mai : Journée internationale du vin (US, CA, GB)

25 mai : Journée internationale des geeks  

25 mai : Journée mondiale de l'Afrique

📅 Zoom sur la fête des mères

25 mai : Fête des mères

De nombreux français profitent de cette occasion pour se rendre au restaurant en famille.

💡Ici, tout est permis : une remise spéciale pour les famille, un cadeau offert aux mamans, un dessert pensé pour l'occasion, une recette héritée de votre mère... Soyez créatif !

 La Rôtisserie d’Argent proposait un dessert sur-mesure pour mettre à l’honneur les mamans : Le Tourbillon fraise.


25 mai – 8 juin : Lancement de Roland Garros

27 mai : Journée nationale de la résistance

28 mai : Journée mondiale de l'hygiène menstruelle

29 mai : Ascension  

30 mai : Fête des voisins

30 mai : Foire de Paris

31 mai : Journée mondiale sans tabac

31 mai : Finale de la Ligue des Champions

Juin 2025

1er juin : Journée mondiale des parents  

3 juin : Journée mondiale du cidre

5 juin : Journée mondiale de l'environnement

5 juin : Fête de l'Aïd al-Adha

7 juin : Nuit blanche 2025 (Paris)  

7 juin : Journée nationale du Fish and Chips (GB)

7 juin : Journée nationale du donut (US)

7-9 juin : Journées nationales de l'agriculture

8 juin : Journée mondiale des océans  

8 juin : Journée mondiale du bien-être

9 juin : Lundi de Pentecôte

10 juin : Fête nationale du Portugal

11 juin : Journée mondiale du bien-être

11-15 juin : 24h du Mans

15 juin : Journée mondiale contre la faim

15 juin : Nuit du handicap

15 juin : Fête des pères  

17 juin : Journée mondiale de la lutte contre la désertification et la sécheresse

17-19 juin : Épreuves écrites du baccalauréat 2025

June 18: World Sushi Day

June 18: Sustainable Gastronomy Day

June 18: International Picnic Day

June 19-22: Hellfest (metal festival in Clisson)

June 20: First day of summer 2025

June 20: World Tapas Day

June 20: World Refugee Day

📅 Focus on the music festival

June 21: Music Day

Live music? Special playlist? Guest of honor? Evening cocktail? You have the opportunity to create an atmosphere, sell drinks And ofOpen all night !

June 21: The longest day of the year

June 21: International Yoga Day

June 24-29: Paris Fashion Week

June 24: Saint-Jean

June 25: Start of summer sales

June 26: World Pineapple Day

June 27: Micro-Small and Medium Enterprises Day

June 28: Pride march

June 30: International Asteroid Day

July 2025

July (date to be specified): Japan Expo 2025 in Paris

July 1: World Naturism Day

July 1st: Canada's National Day

July 2: World UFO Day

July 3: World Plastic Bag Free Day

July 4: Bac results

July 4: US Independence Day (4th of July)

July 5: Start of the Tour de France

July 5: Summer vacation

July 6: International Kissing Day

July 6: World Chocolate Day

July 7: Video Game Day

📅 Focus on July 14

July 14: National Day

On July 14 put France in the spotlight and is a holiday for a good number of French people who therefore want to take advantage of this day.

The good idea: as this is a day where France is honored, highlight on social networks the most typical dish on your menu, but also the local producers with whom you work!

💡 Don't forget to advertise to your customers on your Google My Business page, Instagram, Facebook and others, if you are closed or open! This is also very favorable to your local referencing.

July 17: World Emoji Day

July 20: International Poutine Day

July 21: World Day Against Junk Food

July 21: National Day in Belgium

July 27: Arrival of the Tour de France 2025

July 28: World Grandparents Day

July 30: World Friendship Day

July 31: National Cheesecake Day

August 2025

August 1: International French Fries Day

August 1: National Avocado Day

August 2: National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

August 2: World Beer Day

August 8: World Cat Day

August 10: World Leo Day

August 12: International Youth Day

August 13: International Left-Handed Day

August 14: Oued Ed-Dahab Day

August 15: Assumption (holiday)

August 17: International Black Cat Day

August 19: World Humanitarian Day

August 19: International Photography Day

August 25-September 6: US Open (tennis)

August 26: International Dog Day

August 31: International Blog Day

September 2025

Date to be determined: French Days

September 1: Back to school

September 2: World Coconut Day

September 5: International Charity Day

September 5: Eid al-Mawlid Annabawi

September 6-7: Lille Braderie

September 9: World Plush Day

September 13: World Web Developer Day

September 15: International Day of Democracy

September 16: International Day for the Protection of the Ozone Layer

September 16: Start of the group stages of the 2025-2026 Champions League

September 17: Guacamole Day

September 18: “Paris breathes” day

September 19: International “Pirate Talk” Day (Talk Like a Pirate Day)

September 20: World Cleanup Day

September 20-21: European Heritage Days

September 20 to October 5: Bavarian Oktoberfest

September 21: World Peace Day (UN)

September 22: World Car Free Day

September 22: first day of autumn

September 25: World Dream Day

September 26: World Maritime Day

September 27: World Tourism Day

September 29: International Day to raise awareness about food loss and waste

October 2025

October 1 to 31: Pink October

October 1 to 31: Inktober

October 1: World Vegetarianism Day

October 1: International Music Day

October 1: World Chocolate and Coffee Day

October 2: International Day of Nonviolence

October 3: Boyfriend Day

October 4: World Smile Day

October 4: World Animal Day

October 5: Grandfather's Day

October 6: Canadian Beer Day (CA)

October 9: International Octopus Day

October 9: World Teddy Bear Day

October 10: National Fried Chicken Day (US)

October 12: National Day (Spain)

October 13: International Hamburger Day

October 13: World Sight Day

October 14: World Egg Day

October 16: World Bread Day

October 18 - November 3: All Saints' Day vacation

October 20: International Gin Tonic Day

October 20: International Cooks Day

October 20: World Statistics Day

October 20: Godparents Day

October 24: International Champagne Day

October 24: UN Day

October 25: World Pasta Day

October 26: Transition to winter time

October 28: International Day of Creole Language and Culture

📅 Focus on Halloween

October 31: Halloween

Halloween is becoming an excellent excuse to party, go to a restaurant or play any activity organized for the occasion, and therefore, an excellent way to generate visibility and double your turnover on the evening of the 31st.

THEHotel Particulier de Montmartre had developed for the occasion an original proposal ranging from Bloody cocktails aux make-up workshops through DJ sets.  

November 2025

November 1 - 30: Movember (mobilization against prostate cancer)

November 1 - 30: Tobacco Free Month

November 1: World Veganism Day

November 1st: All Saints' Day

November 3: World Sandwich Day

November 4: Common Sense Day

November 6: World Paperless Day

November 7: National Day to Combat School Bullying

November 10: International Intern Day

November 11: Armistice

November 11: World Singles Day

November 13: International Day Against Poverty

November 14: World Diabetes Day

November 16: World Tolerance Day

November 17: International Philosophy Day

November 18: Moroccan Independence Day

November 19: World Toilet Day

November 20: International Children's Rights Day

November 20: Beaujolais Nouveau

November 21: World Television Day

📅 Focus on Thanksgiving

November 27: Thanksgiving

Even though it's an American holiday, Many French people like to celebrate Thanksgiving for its dimension of sharing and gluttony ! It traditionally serves a good meal of turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. Take inspiration from these traditions to offer a special menu or simply wish your community a Happy Thanksgiving!

The restaurant The Pincers took advantage of this opportunity to humorously promote its flagship product, The lobster, at the expense of the traditional turkey.

November 28: Black Friday

November 29: World Giving Day

November 30: World No Shopping Day

December 2025

December 1st: 1st day of advent

December 2: International Samba Day

December 3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities

December 5: World Volunteer Day

December 5: World Equal Opportunities Day

December 6: Saint-Nicolas

December 8: World Climate Day

December 8: Green Monday

December 10: World Human Rights Day

December 11: International Mountain Day

December 13: International Raclette Day

December 13: World Human Rights Day

December 15: World Esperanto Day

December 18: World Arabic Language Day

December 19: International Christmas Sweater Day

December 20: International Human Solidarity Day

December 21: World Orgasm Day

December 20 to January 5: Christmas vacation

December 22: Start of winter

December 24: International Sangria Day

December 25: Christmas Eve

December 26: Christmas

📅 Focus on New Year's Eve

December 31: New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve is a great business opportunity! Discover our selection of inspiring addresses for a creative New Year's Eve offer and how to communicate about it.

Example: Anita's Pizza took advantage of this opportunity to ask your customers about the good resolutions they had decided to make in the new year.

Our advice : Just like Anita's Pizza, we recommend asking questions directly to the socionauts. Interactive content engages your community on social networks. We deliver to you 14 more ideas in this article to enjoy the end of year celebrations in his restaurant.

The 2025 Marketing Calendar in MalouApp

How do you remember these numerous key dates on the marketing calendar on a daily basis? How can you find the time to organize a marketing operation to boost your restaurant's communication on the occasion of these key dates? We have developed what you need at Malou! Our solution The MalouApp, integrates a calendar that allows you to have all the important events of the year and day by day on a daily basis. So impossible to forget! And to save time by anticipating posts on important dates, all you have to do is plan your Instagram, Facebook, Google content... directly from the MalouApp! Do not hesitate to ask us for a demo 😍

We put The double bites to satisfy you

Increase your visibility on Google and social networks with Malou.